Retail & Classic combined

Yes. It would. That has everything to do with WHY those are a problem between the two.

class balancing - Most classes brought a niche to each group. Even though the dmg balances were skewed, utility was essential! You didn’t have 6 versions of Lust. You didn’t have more than 1/2 the classes with insane self healing. You didn’t get 2 buffs and done from a group. Unlike retail where if you aren’t topping DPS AND have all the utility then your useless.

Flying - When they designed areas without flying in mind they were so much more engaging. Now everything has to be designed with flying in mind so it’s not designed to truly be experienced from a ground only perspective. So being only on the ground doesn’t feel good.
Plus, personal preference. There are more than enough players happy to ride on their horse. We don’t all need to be there ‘RIGHT NOW CUZ I GOT STUFF TO DO’.

low % loot drops - When the content is fun you are happy to go back in to try again. When the content is dull you just want your gear so you can be done with it. Don’t need high drop rates to keep you interested in good content.
Also, crafting made up a part of gearing. Don’t need loot to rain from the sky if your end game crafting system is actually useful.

Grinding - lol? This game is developed to be a time sink. Grinding is inherent to the design. If you don’t like to grind then you should pick a different game to play.

If the suggestion is a Classic+, I wholeheartedly agree.
They have already implemented a lot of the Classic philosophy in through the last few expansions though, and much of it is not received well, at least if you would judge by what is said here on the forums.

Personally, my ideal scenario is simply return all the content that was removed with Cataclysm.
Put the whole Classic world back into the game via Chromie time, and I will be extremely pleased.
Same with any expansion content that has been removed too, like MoP etc.

Past that though, I do not feel like creating a FOURTH version of the game for Classic+ is worth the effort right now.

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Wait, that isn’t Shadowlands as it stands?

Sure, class balance is leagues better than in Vanilla Classic, but that won’t be nearly as bad of an issue with TBC Classic, and SL’s smaller balance issues are multiplied with meta obsession (no, you don’t actually need a fire mage for M+ under 15, but people will seek one anyway).

For the rest…

  • We won’t have flying for at least another patch
  • Loot acquisition in SL is a consistent forum complaint
  • The single biggest complaint about SL is its grindy systems

I think much of the bad reception boils down to implementation. The “classic” bits getting implemented in the modern game aren’t bringing along their supporting bits of context.

Like loot scarcity for example, yes good loot was hard to get ahold of in Vanilla but there were also countless sidegrades and 2nd and 3rd best items that could be targeted and acquired in the midst of seeking that BiS item to hold you over. SL doesn’t have much of that.

Lol no. Classic+ is a total meme. Vanilla gameplay is garbage.

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The main campaign in shadowlands feels extremely linear. What I enjoyed about Classic was the non linear style of questing and the free to roam feeling.

In shadowlands i’m forced down a path that Blizzard wants me to go down on to experience the campaign they created, as opposed to letting me roam around the world, quest in different zones etc despite what level I am.

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Yes pre-cata zones are much nicer in this regard. Hit a hub, pick up a truckload of quests (or skip a couple, that’s fine it won’t lock you out of anything), and the rest is up to you. You don’t get herded around from microhub to microhub getting dripfed 2 quests at a time.

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If you like Pepsi you drink it. If you like Mountain-dew you drink that. But the most vile thing is mixing them into Pepsi-Dew.

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combining those two would be like combining mayo and soy sauce

i have no doubt someone has done that


Yep. I’d love it, but all the gripes from soloers would be the same as they still have to do the more difficult content if they wanted to progress their character. And which type of combat system are we using? The slower/auto attack feel of classic or the more fast paced feel of retail? Both games play very differently.

I certainly wouldn’t mind more of the rpg elemants from classic getting into the current game. Bring back the class quests eg: warlocks actually having to acquire their companions instead of just being given the spell. I feel that’s been the biggest thing this game has lost over the years.


Heck even just doing a quest to get your special warlock robe or being sent out to Tabetha to create a nice blue wand for your mage were pretty sweet.

Legion was nice in this regard, but they’ve since relapsed hard into one size fits all questing.


as long as we can keep classic graphics and old models. hate the new animations and models.

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Before they did the 180 on classic, a dev had talked about something they called Pristine Realms that sounded a lot like what you’re wanting.

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“You think you do, but you don’t” turned out to be correct all along so it isn’t surprising.

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Problem is that a lot of people mistakenly believe that the “You think you do, but you don’t” commentary was about wanting vanilla WoW or not, but it was really about not wanting just vanilla WoW, with all its imperfections. It’s been shown time and again since Classic WoW’s release that the majority of the players want new conveniences, fixed bugs, etc., which was at the core of the whole “You think you do, but you don’t” statement.

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I wouldn’t call questing in Classic or Retail ‘adventurous’.

There is a reason why these two are very different.
Classic is the core game, a different approach, more slower and there is a group that like that. Retail is faster and approaches other things differently, thus having a group that likes that. That’s how expansions have been handled and that’s what lots of people like ‘‘Rush to end game and do the instanced content’’.

Some like both but mostly I feel a chunk only like one and same with Retail.

I can’t see them mixing them would churn out some superior game.

They already introduced slower everything, and lots have complained, me included. I’d rather people stick with Classic if they like that and leave those aspects outta Retail.

I feel like the two things they tried to bring back from classic really have not gone over well in SL. Having low loot angered a lot of people and they finally are getting the hint that a lot of people don’t like that.
We still have pretty busted balance almost back to classic levels and again I think a lot of people are not a fan of having alpha classes.

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Have you guys ever thought about maybe doing something totally new instead of bringing old garbage back and then trying to stop forcing some retail aspects in classic lol. neither one are good anymore why you think people don’t last long in either and just quit go play something else. someone actually needs to use there brain and come up with something new and amazing cause mmo’s ain’t in a very good state nowadays and can’t seem to come up with anything new to keep or get new people interested in long.


Keep 'Em Separated!
Classic is boring as hell: killing boars is no fun.


I feel like Blizzard would need the original devs help to capture that magic and integrate it into retail

But they’ve burned that bridge and would need huge sums of money to get their help and input… if the original devs would even touch such a project of course

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Since this would be a third game I fully support it :+1:
I don’t want retail to be classic nor do I want classic to be retail however

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