Retail & Classic combined

as long as we can keep classic graphics and old models. hate the new animations and models.

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Before they did the 180 on classic, a dev had talked about something they called Pristine Realms that sounded a lot like what you’re wanting.

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“You think you do, but you don’t” turned out to be correct all along so it isn’t surprising.

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Problem is that a lot of people mistakenly believe that the “You think you do, but you don’t” commentary was about wanting vanilla WoW or not, but it was really about not wanting just vanilla WoW, with all its imperfections. It’s been shown time and again since Classic WoW’s release that the majority of the players want new conveniences, fixed bugs, etc., which was at the core of the whole “You think you do, but you don’t” statement.

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I wouldn’t call questing in Classic or Retail ‘adventurous’.

There is a reason why these two are very different.
Classic is the core game, a different approach, more slower and there is a group that like that. Retail is faster and approaches other things differently, thus having a group that likes that. That’s how expansions have been handled and that’s what lots of people like ‘‘Rush to end game and do the instanced content’’.

Some like both but mostly I feel a chunk only like one and same with Retail.

I can’t see them mixing them would churn out some superior game.

They already introduced slower everything, and lots have complained, me included. I’d rather people stick with Classic if they like that and leave those aspects outta Retail.

I feel like the two things they tried to bring back from classic really have not gone over well in SL. Having low loot angered a lot of people and they finally are getting the hint that a lot of people don’t like that.
We still have pretty busted balance almost back to classic levels and again I think a lot of people are not a fan of having alpha classes.

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Have you guys ever thought about maybe doing something totally new instead of bringing old garbage back and then trying to stop forcing some retail aspects in classic lol. neither one are good anymore why you think people don’t last long in either and just quit go play something else. someone actually needs to use there brain and come up with something new and amazing cause mmo’s ain’t in a very good state nowadays and can’t seem to come up with anything new to keep or get new people interested in long.


Keep 'Em Separated!
Classic is boring as hell: killing boars is no fun.


I feel like Blizzard would need the original devs help to capture that magic and integrate it into retail

But they’ve burned that bridge and would need huge sums of money to get their help and input
 if the original devs would even touch such a project of course

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Since this would be a third game I fully support it :+1:
I don’t want retail to be classic nor do I want classic to be retail however

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they will have to do something like this eventually i mean i honestly can’t see them going far with classic after wotlk. they needa do something like OSRS where there are updates but they try to keep it as old school as possible.

i mean what happens to those of us who do play classic regularly? we’d fall behind hell maybe even have a hard time finding groups for old raids like MC or something and have to pay for carries. what happens if people find retail garbage what they gonna do? unsub and come back who knows when? at least this way they will have an alternative to play if they choose to and blizz will still be making money.

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But how would we ever decided whether to call it Cletail or Rassic?

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But you would get all the quality of life changes!

 you buy that, right?

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Is it me, or do both of those sound like Pokemon.

It’s probably just me.


Keep Classic GARBAGE out of Retail.

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It wouldnt be a boring slog if Blizz remembered this was an RPG and didnt make every single character you level go through the exact same storylines the exact same way. There’s barely any differentiation between classes from a questing/leveling perspective. The world doesnt react to your character or offer you any unique choices, so it all feels in your face repetitive.