Retail Assassination Rogue needs a rework

My suggestion is IC cooldown -= 30s. Rupture = 30seconds, improved garotte - 30s…

This way every 30 seconds you can fan of knives, IC → rupture → garotte

Then change poison bomb to a 20% chance per combo point so a 5 CP will guarantee a poison bomb proc.

AOE rotation would be mutilate → envenom/poison bomb in between crimson tempests while using IC->rupture-> garote every 30 secs

These changes wouldn’t make much difference on single target but it would bring assassination up from the very bottom in Mythic dungeons where its been for months

Great ideas for the most part, just a few things

I just dont agree with it. While its been iconically a Subtlety abilityin the past, this expansion has shown how well it synergizes (or can synergize) with the other 2 specs as well. It really just enhances what each spec is supposed to be good at.

Yes, remove the nature damage bonus entirely. 4 talents in the Sin tree surrounding Shiv, none of which are exciting. On top of that Shiv is just clunky. It’s a watered down Symbols of Death (nature damage instead of all damage), costs a gcd, costs energy, and does no damage (even with TTB). Get rid of it. If there needs to be an ability that amplifies dot damage, Shiv was literally the worst way to implement it.

I disagree with this as well. Spriest dots dont have a cooldown for application. Garrote does and rupture requires CP so it can’t be casted back to back anyway. For that reasons there already are times where i might press IC and decide to hold garrote and rupture for a gcd or 3.

I feel the real answer to fixing IC is to keep it with the 45 second cooldown, but give it a second charge. This gives us more flexibility as to when to use it without having us use less of them over the course of a fight or M+ run. Also lets us line it up better with other abilities (all of these being standard effects of having a second charge).

Love the ability, i just dont think it should be shared as a node with poison bomb. It can go earlier in the tree maybe in place of CttC (assuming SnD is made passive) as it fulfills the same purpose.

This is no different than increasing poison bomb damage. We had high poison bomb damage in legion and the proc aspect is what made it feel bad.

Id much rather have Echoing Blades back instead


With all the button bloat we currently have, the simple fix would be to just merge Indiscriminate Carnage with Crimson tempest, making aoe finisher that spread bleeds with reduced duration around 8 yards, similar to feral’s Primal Wrath.

Also Slice and Dice needs to go.
Echoing Reprimand needs to go. Just get rid of the shadowlands trash no one asked for.

This is the worst idea suggested and does not solve any problems. In fact it just makes problems worse. If you want Feral gameplay, go play Feral.

What’s making it worse exactly ?

we generally have different situations to use each of our dots and the talents we take gives more depths to those decisions. What you are asking for is an impossible to tune, one button applies all, that completely takes away any depth from the spec. Juggling dots is the spec.

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Love the idea of having a second charge for IC as a way to improve the overall depth of our AoE without necessarily breaking IC in half with a lower CD. Also, totally agreed about removing the +nature component on Shiv, etc. etc. What are your thoughts on Vanish being used rotationally - would you make changes there?

Re: The bleed-based AOE-finisher, I wonder if the proper real estate for that would be somewhere near to or just outright replacing current Exsang. In some of my most hopeful treecrafting, I have something like that around there, usually having a name like “Blood Bomb”, something like that.


Vanish is really used to apply empowered bleeds as Sin rogues. I don’t think changes are needed there as long as Shadow Dance remains available. But for SD to even be usuable, Find Weakness in the class tree needs to be changed or moved and Nightstalker should also be fixed.

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Why would one want Shadow Dance as a Sun Rogue anyway? Ambush is not worth its energy, empowered Garrotes are nice, yes, but there’s no initial damage and it’s such a long DoT. Plus the lack of synergy with Sun rogues on that side of the tree anyway.

Asking as a former Sun Rogue main who just hit level 70 today and still loving it and doing well with it

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Empowered garrotes and extra crit during the window.

But all the talents and synergy you’re missing out on going with that side of the tree in the first place…not worth it lol

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I already addressed that. Find Weakness would have to be changed or moved. Its really the only talent with 0 synergy for both Sin and ironically Sub.

The biggest problem with the Assassination specialization is not so much the issue with the specialization itself, but rather that the game has changed to emphasize AOE too much. As the expansions go on, all bosses essentially have dozens of fast-acting, lethal minions that require swift handling, and as the expansions progress, there is no place for the Assassination specialization. If the current game designers plan to continue reflecting this trend, Assassination must break the stereotype of being a single-target DPS specialization and change to always have powerful AOE attacks available.

Originally, Outlaw Rogues began with the concept of being an AOE attack specialist, but now they are competing with or even surpassing Assassination Rogues in single-target damage, and Subtlety Rogues started with the concept of being able to focus powerful single-target damage in a short amount of time, but now they are overwhelming Outlaw Rogues in AOE damage. So why is it that only Assassination Rogues are stuck with the stereotype of being a “single-target DPS specialist” and not willing to change? If the game has changed so much to emphasize AOE, shouldn’t Assassination Rogues also change accordingly? I would like to ask if the developers have been rewarded for their efforts in creating a one-armed swordsman-like concept where if you choose single-target DPS, your AOE DPS becomes garbage, and if you choose AOE damage, your single-target damage becomes trash.

Currently, Assassination Rogues have lost their place not only in M+ but also in raids. They have been at the bottom of the DPS rankings for over 12 weeks now. Despite this situation, Assassination Rogues are not receiving any adjustments or improvements, let alone skill updates, in patch 10.1. Are the Assassination Rogue developers really doing their job right now?

I demand the following: Either allow for powerful AOE to be used at all times.

or If they insist on keeping Assassination Rogues as a single-target DPS specialization, make it so that single-target damage alone can surpass the total AOE damage output.

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In regards to raiding, I have to disagree. If you spec into Thrown Precision + Crimson Tempest you can do adequate AoE while sacrificing a very minimal amount of single target dps.

Having said that. I feel single target dps should be significantly stronger. Especially when you look at other specs that have strong single target AND AoE.


I have news for you. The next raid will be more ST focused. Assa rogues rejoice…no. :frowning:

With current tuning and the new set Assa will even lose its tiny little ST niche it had. And this niche wasn’t much to brag about. Look at mythic Terros 95% logs, a boss where every class can only do ST dmg and nothing else…it is then that you realise that even the allegedly tremendous Assa ST dmg is just so-so.

The spec is in real trouble and my guess is that it’s going to stay that way.
Blizzard had no issues with destroying Subtlety in BfA due to the Zul fight and let the spec rot for the rest of the expansion. Why should they care for Assa, if players could still play Outlaw or Subtlety which are in a reasonable state compared to Assa.


Revert the spec back to WoD design where it was fine. Then do some improvements.

Take our dmg from dots and buff single target. (50% of our dmg is only garrote and rupture)
Make Ambush old Dispatch again.
Make Deathmark undispellable. (literally the worst burst cooldown in the entire game in PvP).

Get rid of SnD and Echoing Reprimand.


Didn’t they say Rogues were getting a decent rework in 10.1.5 in addition to Hpals, etc?


Rumors and odd changes on the PTR, nothing really concrete from what I’ve seen.


ER isn’t hard to use. Why keep simplifying one of the only fun classes left to play?

Because ER is a stupid abilty, not only is it not fun tryng to land on the correct combo point. But it doesnt even feel like a rouge ability, you could slightly make the argument that it could be a sub abilty, and only if it did shadow damage. Its a dogshoot concept for an abilty. And i refuse to play with it. Which also feels bad because its pretty much in every build. If you think its fun you’re wrong.