Retail Assassination Rogue needs a rework

Cds like reprimand just rip from our whole kit. We are balanced around nonsense like that instead of abilities. Rogues as a whole would see drastic changes of life if base abilities did far more instead of this kinda crud.

“Random 7 point finisher” doesn’t seem great and never would I have ever thought rogue would be based on dumb crap. Whoever greenlit all this really needs to stop.

Out of all the stuff that came back… SL temporary abilities? Good lord man.

Had garrote, deadly throw, actual recuperate, actual find weakness, hemorrhage, real premeditation, preparation… but no SL stuff came back. Made complete sense as “Rogue Abilities”.

A 180 needs to happen and I hope every Rogue who actually gives an eff about our class is vocal.

  • put damage into the class, remove gimmicks
  • Return long lost stuff we KNOW that we loved and worked.

They just buffed Combat one button Blade Flurry AOE LMFAO.

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  • Remove Slice and Dice & Thistle Tea, and fix our energy regen problems baseline. These abilities are bandaids on broken legs.
  • Remove Echoing Reprimand
  • Shadow Dance should be subtlety-exclusive
  • Either remove enrage dispel from shiv or nature dmg bonus of shiv.
  • Indiscriminate Carnage does NOT need to be passive. Make it act like Spriest Shadow Crash. Apply both buffs to 8 targets immediately, 30 second cooldown.
  • Hunger for Blood? Are you mental? No.
  • New ability for AoE Finisher. Choice node with Poison Bomb. Hits 8 targets, extends duration of garrote (or rupture) by a small amount.
  • Poison Bomb: Add effect of Shiv to it (On proc increases nature dmg dealt by x% for x seconds) and increase radius.
  • CC Ability suggestion: Flashbang. Disorients x enemies around you. Breaks on damage (Basically Druid Incap roar). Probably best as choice node with Blind.

There’s probably a ton more changes that could be done to improve the spec. Personally, I would go and remove Sepsis etc as well. The SL abilities all felt incredibly clunky to me.

As someone who fell in love with Assassination in Legion, and promptly abandoned it in 9.0, I really want to see it shine again. Pls fix Assassin ;-;


There was a blue post about nerfs to re paladins, which sort of unintentionally makes my points. It said:

"Retribution Paladins have been over performing in terms of their damage output, so we’re making some adjustments here to bring them more in line with our intentions.

  • All damage reduced by 3%"

Which just goes to show they can tune the damage done by a spec up or down, on the whole, pretty much whenever they want. Which is depressing, because it means they could just turn up assassination rogues by a percent or two and see what happens. It would improve our boss damage, and it might even fix us being absolute worst in overall damage, and they wouldn’t have to add, delete, or even modify any talents.

We still need them to get involved in fixing our gameplay (melee DOTs), but it would be a start.


What you mean?

Seeing this hate for Echoing Reprimand warms my heart. Hate that ability.


bring back vendetta. Delete echoing reprimand.


while we’re all grasping at fantasies I’ll throw in a few.

fan of knives gives a combo point for every target hit.

deathmark is a self buff for 16 seconds that doubles all bleed a poison damage.

increase poison damage.

remove shadowlands crap

stop letting stupid shiv take up so many talent points. it was fine for a damge buff and then with two charges but enough is enough.

fix the dang spec so we can play executes again.


I have to agree with this.

Been maining rogue over on EU ever since WoD, which is when I started. Combat was fun, but then they broke it. I switched to Sin, and it was kinda fun at the start of Legion. But it feels like it has been steadily going downhill ever since. Just turning away from strong, simple, single-target abilities, and steadily more weird niche filler crap that has absolutely nothing to do with rogue fantasy (looking at you, Echoing). An assassin is supposed to strike fast, strike deadly, and leave you to die before you’ve even realized what’s happening. I know that’s not actually feasible in terms of balancing an MMO, but right now it just feels like I’m slowly but steadily grinding my enemies down by slapping them with wet noodles. But hey, at least the noodles are animacharged!! And I can slap faster with slice and dice!

In all seriousness, I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I’d rather have the single target of Legion, with luck-based AoE from very strong poison bombs. It was actually more enjoyable than whatever this weird 50/50 “balancing” is supposed to be. And bring back Vendetta.

There, that’s my Christmas wishes. Though even that time frame might be too optimistic.


I would actually love that. Single target pumper with envenom having a very strong but random poison bomb

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This talent tree is pretty sick and captures all aspects of Assassination honestly. Def worth a look at.

  • Want heavy mutilate damage? it’s there
  • Want Envenom to matter again?
  • Miss Vendetta but with a twist? It’s there.
  • Want to slap the taste out of someone’s snout? check it out.
  • Want to do full bleeds + poison damage or mix things together? - you guessed it, it’s there. (Subject to tuning and such honestly but this is a good read for sure).

I actually like Echoing Reprimand. Especially when the empowered CP procs a Poison Bomb. And when that happen three times in a row. mmmm yummy.


fan of knives gives a combo point for every target hit.

So you want Subtlety Shuriken Storm just with red color.
On a different note, Fan of Knives should actually have a green visual as we spread poisons with it.

deathmark is a self buff for 16 seconds that doubles all bleed a poison damage.

Vendetta was no self buff so is Deathmark. Your proposed change would be absolute broken btw. Imagine IC spread Garrotes, Ruptures and poisons on 8 targets getting doubled. Never will this be a thing.

increase poison damage.

Check. Poison dmg is too low for the “deadly master of poisons” who does mostly bleed dmg and does it worse than Subtlety. :wink:

remove shadowlands crap

Debatable. I am not a fan either but Bliizards take is that we brought something back from our character connection to a covenant while being in the Shadowlands.

The ability is cool, I agree. The flavor is dumb. They should just redesign the RP and keep the design.


This is the most obvious thing I can keep laughing at since DF launch :smiley: We are not even deadly master of bleeds, feral and sub can do it better :smiley:


Sounds awesome. They should do that.


yes maybe sin could burst for 300k every 2 min. lol

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well like i said this was a fantasy post so yeah. your aoe rotation would still be different enough cost youd still be refreashing ruptures while waitng on crimson tempest to run out but more importantly youd be slamming evnoms into a prio target or spreading them around.

another thing id like to add to the list is give all the specs the rentless blades passive as well as sins cut to the chase.

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If the pull is big enough, I can easily pass 300k every 45 seconds even. Very few dungeons allow that though, like AA and NO, AV even.


No thanks.