Ret war will non crit 1hit ppl come tuesday

my horde unholy is lvl 51 can i play that instead


That’s perfect :sunglasses:

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let’s get dior’s warrior and tsg it up ayoo


pls stream this, I need to see dior and ama in action.



the moment i stream i get flamed for having binds like shift-6 and i never live it down


actually true kek

“Can we get hashtags in the chat? Hashtag gang coming through”

tbh it’s just gonna be a bunch of #Dior spam lmao, maybe Ama might be a hashtag when he pops someone with a juicy obliterate.

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Most warriors have between 5 and 7% crit chance because without haste they’re essentially worthless. If you get happen to get crit by a 5 ability setup with a 25 second cooldown on sharpened mortal strike and it happens to magically go through armor and versatility, guess you’ll have to start running like warriors have been forced to do for several expansions now.

Alternatively, just one shot them with your no setup BS from 40 yards away while they pillar hump for their lives.

dw so did blizzard

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Wait that’s bad?

Ppl complaining about exploiter rn, little do they know battlelord is rlly going to be nuts

just delete warrior at this point, arms warrior was a mistake.

tbh if you disarm an arms warrior they should get a damage buff. or die. not sure which.

I love this. This is the counterpart of “Just kick it, man.”

“It’s melee, man. Just don’t stand next to them. LOL.”

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of all the changes to suggest i would not pick this one, is disarm that huge an offender?

Yeah I feel disarm is a huge offender for War personally. It really shuts down a lot of classes like ret/hunter/enh/prob others. Wars already have a lot of tools to disrupt a go and disarm is just really low cd and is ready for every one of them. I felt the commanding shout cd increase was good and disarm should get it too.

i rly can’t say i agree, disarm on top of everything else is annoying sure but it’s a melee range peel that only affects other melee and has such a low percentage of uptime that it rly shines in the hands of good players(or people with the cdew weakaura) vs bad ones

i’d like to see war lose a lot before disarm is touched, 6 up 39 down feels fair to me as someone that gets disarmed a lot on my 45s burst go

Fear and storm bolt (which is a talent btw) = “a lot of tools to disrupt a go”? Last I checked if they intervene their healer on your go without DBTS up you’ll literally instagib them after double blinding. Warriors should keep seeing buffs until ret paladins wonder why they’re even bothering with the meme spec.

Yeah I completely disagree. Wars are absolute tanks and they have a multitude of abilities at their disposal that let their team survive a go like fear, intervene, bolt, mass reflect, banner, disarm, commanding shout, prob forgetting something else. I mean it’s basically their known strength so not sure how you’re even arguing otherwise.