I fully expect last min warrior and ret damage PvP nerfs Monday night
I mean… yea… kindof.
Grapple Weapon and Disarm being 45 sec cooldowns really dampen the meta.
It’s a fine line of “skillful gameplay” and just pressing buttons on cooldown due to it being so short of a cooldown.
Disarm is becoming the latter. Disarm, Intervene, Ignore Pain, D stance, Banner, Rally, Intimidating Shout, it just slows the game down soooo much.
(Similar Ret and Feral Tank legendaries, Frenzy Regen, Greater Fade (for Holy at least), Triune Ward, etc all too need to be looked at and better adjusted)
Don’t let that newb discourage you. I get
compliments all the time in game on my T3 sets and TCG tabards. They aren’t as common as he thinks.
When people say “glad mount are everywhere,” and then you lookup stats on how much of the WoW population has them… it’s like 0.4% lol. Same deal with T3
Bro your mog is hot trash lmao, no one has ever complimented you for that, the noobs were probably just amazed you can 1 shot a 20k hp player with a 224 ilevel ret.
That xmog is amazing, really brings out the blue in your eyes.
Paladins need their own exclusive arena.
Shut up womansrights. Don’t you have some RBG’s to go be “skillful” in while simultaneously being unable to get 2100 in arena?
I don’t think Disarm is a top priority in terms of balancing right now.
I think it’s mostly Intervene duration/CD, Condemn DMG, Condemn working with Death Sentence, Exploiter legendary (for Tues), and maybe general sustained damage and ignore pain. At least that’s what I feel is most oppressive to me.
2100 is trash, Dior can get me that with a single WoW token. #TeamDior
Also, your mog would lose first round in any transmog competition. it’s generic, a full set and everyone and their mother has it.
Not even remotely true. But what is true is any casual pleb PvPer can get 2400 in RBG’s if they have enough time and no life to grind it.
Enjoying paying for a boost to still have irrelevant PvP XP in 2s though.
Wdym? Ama is literally getting one and got complimented by another DK whose also getting one. Imagine thinking having T3 is unique, playing ret for too long must’ve fried your brain.
Imagine caring this much about arena ratings and XP, the game is balanced like trash and half the playerbase already left, enjoy rating high in a dead scene.
How long? An entire expansion? A full patch? Just how long should they be OP?
Also, let’s not kid ourselves here, there aren’t many people who DIDNT swap to a broken class to be viable. It’s rare for someone to stay on the same class no matter what. Even some of the popular streamers swapped specs to be viable.
All I know is that I have a warrior I’m working on because I’m not going to be a victim of 20k noncrit mortal strikes for several months.
It’s Saturday and I have 0 friends online. That hasn’t happened since WoD.
Yo let’s play I got more rat alts
imo, if the baseline dps of all or even most specs is so low that it can be ignored, then peels that match the cd of burst do enable dampening. let’s not forget, though, that playing a dampening comp well is a skill expression. needing to be in place and on time with disarm every 45 seconds for 5 minutes while getting out damage and avoiding dying yourself is a fine win condition in a vacuum, imo. if those skill layers aren’t required by the meta, i think tuning is a good thing to blame before the tools themselves.
You’re the kind of person who would rent a lambo and drive it around town bragging about it to people. When the reality is someone else owns it.
Same thing with your RBG and arena rating. You got carried in RBG’s just like you will need to get carried in arena, but you will still come to these forums and brag about it like you actually earned it. Imagine being that pathetic
People don’t realize the best classes from legion-SL just don’t die
Everything does bigdanmage
First of all, im a surgeon inrl and make 7 figures a year. I own very big house with lots of cars, so I don’t need to “rent” a lambo.
Imagine getting this worked up over an arena rating , you really must be a 0 viewer Andy considering your entire personality revolves around a dead mmo.
Let me give you a hint bud, being high rated in WoW arena is like being the worlds tallest midget, you’re still going nowhere in life
Yeah and I own a multi-billion dollar company and have a private rocket that I use to fly to the moon at a whim’s notice.
The only surgery you have performed is a self-lobotomy.
P.S. you want to know how I know you aren’t a surgeon? Adults who have spent enough time in medical school to be a 7-figure surgeon don’t start sentences with the buzz word “imagine”. You likely live with your parents and are barely out of high school.
I mean I just figured we were making stuff up about ourselves considering you have tv in your name yet Murk is more relevant than you.
Coming from the guy that plays the most braindead spec in the game and can’t get above Duelist
Gave streaming a chance for a few months. Didn’t particularly like it as much as I thought I would. I have a real job and just couldn’t devote the time needed for it. Priorities my friend.
But I’m not giving blizzard $10 for a name change because I don’t really care