Ret still needs help

Despite the changes to the paladin class tree, ret is still in a very bad spot in pvp.

Compared to all spriest, aff, frost mage, devo evoker, mm hunter, bm hunter, ele shaman, assassin rogue, and sub rogue, ret feels extremely weak. I am not sure why blizz thought it was a good idea to nerf rets damage by 3% this patch when every other spec receiving enormous buffs. Ret has never been strong this xpac and it is quite unfortunate to see when it is the only paladin dps spec.

Come on blizzard please help this spec out.


They buffed all of ret’s damage by 6%, not nerf.


Ret lost talents that resulted in a net loss in damage fyi. The 6% buff wasn’t close to enough to offset the loss.


Even with the 6% buff there was still a net loss of 3%, to be specific. :dracthyr_uwahh_animated:


Let’s buff rets overall dmg by 10%, this will fix it.

Remove sanc, double final verdict damage.


It’s a ret Paladin complaining after a huge defensive rework… I’m not sure he’ll understand logic :joy:

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No it is a net3% nerf

Aura is 6 but removal of talents is - 9

Defensive rework?

They did nothing for paladin defensives

The changes to freedom and bop are terrible for us, and if we choose to spec into many of the new, merged talents, u give up dps

Lmaoooo rets begging for more buffs.
Literally the pic of thebskinny guy getting a drop of water while the big dude drinking all the water

Skinny guy : warriors

Big guy : rets

Kennie i know you know the pic if u can post it

I told you npc dhs I dont know if it was you or other npc dh. I told you all the class tree changea wouldnt change much. But as expectrd you dont play the spec so its ok for you to be unaware of the changes and its effects

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My man

Fried and wholly incorrect. Just the fact that they made it so we can bubble independently of forbearance is one of the biggest defensive changes to occur for ret since the inception of the game. 20 years of precedent gone.


I think Rets fine, there are just some extremely overtuned classes. No more buffs imo. We need to start nerfing things. It’s getting out of hand quickly.

The end result is the same. Yes we can now survive previously “impossible” situations and you may argue in the lategsme being able to loh and dshield right away is key … but again if you got to high damp and the ret didnt need to loh or bubble alresdy id say you already lost.

This will also lead rets to panic bubble things that woulnd kill them just because “they can”, wasting a cd.

Its effects arent what everyone is saying here. If anything forbearance should be just gone and we wouldnt need 3 brand talents to address or qol paladins after 20 years.

Ok so without getting into specifics, the spec is just another melee in the pool of melees right now. The damage profile and over reliance on wings are things most non paladins would t undrrstsnd.

If they wanted to give ret a little push id say the easiest most non gamebreaking things would be

-Unnerf divine protection
-slightly buff spenders or shift damage from boj to fv.
-Remove some of the nerfs to healing hands, wog and fol

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I think every xpac should have at least 1 or 2 weeks of ret god-mode and subsequent retpocalypse just to keep everyone on their toes

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Ret is fine. They are 4th best melee in 2100+ SS, blitz, and 3s. Not the best, but no where near the worst

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it is in fact bugged and its a 6% nerf if you check screenshots of pre update and post update. also 20% wog healing reduction.
We dont understand why that is the case but it is, and there is nothing we can do about it.

That’s literally a skill issue though, not a design issue.


:gun::gun::gun: absolutely not