Ret sound effects/animations ruin the spec for me

Judgment needs a new animation/sound effect and blade of justice at the very least needs a new sound effect. Losing the old judgment and exorcism for these 2 is a lousy trade.

I main’d a ret from Wrath to early BfA but eventually started playing DK and Fury as my mains. Throwing around some Fisher Price kid’s hammer with a corny clang sound once it hits the enemy really ruins the feeling of playing a holy knight.


I think the same. The only thing i expected back was Exorcism, but we got the “new” auras, and Shield of the righteous, YAY!


Leave judgment alone. That holy DONK sound is so gratifying.


All I ask is for the old divine storm animation or let us glyph it at least… Everything else I don’t care about. Just let my divine storm actually feel like a divine ‘STORM’


Sound effects and animation are two of the main reasons I enjoy Paladin.

Each sword swing feels as a heavy blow upon an anvil.


Be careful what you ask for guys…

Feral and Hunters asked for different and BETTER sounding effects. Look at us now. Hunters use a BB gun, and Feral/Bear Druids may as well be tearing a piece of paper in half with every button press.

I would take your effects, both sound and visual, over either of those any day.


Why did Blizz nerf Shield of the Righteous sound effect after WoD? It used to sound so good…

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I absolutely enjoy the sounds of ret paladin and it sets it apart from other melee. That solid metal clank is so fitting to the spec and class in general. Good thing we all have our own opinions. I do miss divine storm animation for sure but the spec is filled with enough glitter and glam and beautiful flowing hair to make me happy.

Let us all remember this one.

or all of those.


Well I want it to move backward. Some light animation/effect for judgment and something similar to exorcism for blade of justice.

Right now ret thematically feels like it belongs in a Disney cartoon.

It was weird how they got rid of exorcism right before we fought a bunch of demons in Legion, considering exorcisms were specifically used to target demons.


You should hear the new scourge strike noise. It sounds like you’re dropping a wooden barrel full of water from about 3 feet off the ground.

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no its not you freak gtfo our forums


i want that judgement animation back so badly its not fair man


I also think rets animations and some sounds are a bit awkward. Not sure if it’s because my pally is a Ztroll or not. But when I play him just sounds like were banging on pits and pans. I feel the same way with my Maghar fury warrior heh. I feel like they could have given both specs a little more visual flare and some cooler sounds or graphic to dress the abilities up a bit.

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The least you can do is post on your paladin instead of a level 10 DK if you’re gonna make me out to be the outsider here lol

What difference should that make ?

I dont need to prove to anyone what characters I have on my roster. Why don’t you post on your pally instead of your filthy rogue heh ?


I only say it because he/you said get out of ‘our’ forum as though you need to have a max level paladin to have an opinion about them.

They need to undo all the garbage changes they made to the class since Legion, both animations and gameplaywise.

i cant

my pally is yukinauwu-area 52 go crazy

My question is…

Why are you even playing with sound effects on…I do not think I have had sound on in game for 15 years. Its distracting and their is so much better stuff to hear.