Ret sound effects/animations ruin the spec for me

I have heard some say this but frankly for me that would be like watching a movie on mute while playing my own music.

I’ll accept your arguments for most of the skills, but judgment and hammer of wrath you’ll have to pry from my cold dead hands.

Wow, these are the animations people are wanting back? The current one is way better.

Funnily enough, for me it’s the exact opposite, I get distracted rather easily without sounds on. I feel like part of knowing what rotation I am making comes from hearing the sounds of each spell.

“ping, ting, pong… PONG!!”

All they need to do is make a glyph for divine storm to its original iteration
and a glyph for blade of judgement to just look and sound like exorcism to the user


Judgement’s animation and sound effect are fine. It feels impactful to use. Blade of justice’s animation and sound effect are fine. It also feels impactful to use. Divine storm’s new animation is lame comparatively. It needs to be reverted or have a glyph added to it. Crusader strike feels like crap to use. That needs a new animation and sfx.

No sound effects on? That’s weird.

I wish they would pick a f-ing theme and stick with it. I’m annoyed endlessly by the mix of hammer and sword animations.

Imagine if we had a system that allowed you to change your spell animations already in game that blizzard seems determined to let fade into nothing :thinking: Glyph recipes could be such a sought after reward system but blizzard is intent on killing it.

I wish I could change so many of my spell effects or sounds via glyphs. For example I loved the old melee autoattack sound effects. Now they sound pathetic in comparison.

A Wishlist of glyphs I would want:


  • Old shadow form… PLEASE.
  • glyph to make shadowy ravens spawn when casting devouring plague or dark archangel wings.
  • Void shield rather than the sparkly nonsense we currently have. I’d even be fine with a glyph to remove to sparkles.


  • Old divine storm animation as a glyph.
  • Exorcism instead of blade of justice
  • Old judgement sound effect and animation.
  • Glyph to replace Divine Steed with speed of light which stands out way less in pvp.
  • Seal spell effects added in some way to existing spells.


  • A glyph to make incinerate way bigger.
  • Old chaos bolt animation.
  • Way more demon customization. Satyr instead of an imp, Void terror instead of a felhound, inquisitor instead of a succubus, fel lord instead of felguard, terrorguard (which we used to have), etc.
  • Old seed of corruption animation
  • Verdant spheres glyph from MoP/WoD
  • Old shadow bolt glyph we had that split shadow bolt into 3 bolts
  • Old shadow bolt
  • The effect we used to have with burning embers where we started to catch on fire.
  • Dark apotheosis
  • Falling Meteor
  • Glyph that gives you Metamorphasis when using demonic tyrant.


  • I don’t care if it’s through a glyph or not, just give me the old backstab/ambush sound effect.
  • old fan of knives

Death Knight

  • Old unholy frenzy animation where your character looked like it was surrounded by a bloody mist.
  • Presences
  • More Ghoul customization/dark transformation customization. For example, in legion my ghoul could look like festergut/rotface while transformed if I was using the abomination talent.
  • Old pestilence animation when spreading diseases using outbreak.
  • Corpse explosion when I use epidemic or something.
  • Necrotic plague spell effect
  • Glyph to use old desecrated ground animation to replace D&D


  • Stormblast instead of wind farts when I pop ascendance as enhancement
  • Old windfury animation with the wind tornadoes.
  • Either old lightning bolt or the lightning bolt animation they were planning to update with in 7.3
  • Lava shield glyph to replace lightning shield.
  • Ascendance glyph from WoD.
  • New ascendance glyph that turns you into an elemental corresponding to your spec, air elemental for enhance, fire ele for elemental, etc.

Sorry this is a terrible necro but I feel very strongly that ret paladin sounds are just plain awful and I don’t enjoy playing the spec because of them. There is one ability that sounds as if someone is hitting a piece of wire with a rapier and sets my teeth on edge everytime I hear it. The rest sound like someone dropping various sized pot lids and cymbals onto a concrete floor.

Bottom line is that they all make me wince and instead of feeling like a hero I feel like an orchestral disaster.

I much prefer the older animations (divine storm and Avenging Wrath as prime examples)


The only thing better than ret animations and sounds are Prot animations and sounds.

I much prefer the older animations (divine storm and Avenging Wrath as prime examples)

I agree! Go to the Auction house and grab “Glyph of Winged Vengence.” It will make your Avenging Wrath look like old Avenging Wrath, but with longer wings.

Ive been saying this for the longest time, divine storm is 3 hammers that go around, its insane how much better its original animation was, when it was made like 12 years ago.

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