RET PVP has to be nerfed before it makes people rage quit

Its funny getting cussed out but this is just insanely broken.

The best pvp’rs streaming getting steam rolled by rets is hilarious but its obviously broken OP right now.


They should remove the icd on WF and let WF proc WF…that would bring enhancement up to ret levels of stupidity.


Main issue is that they are OP because of tier set bonuses. Chances are the Devs won’t do much about it since it’s not a permanent issue.

Given how long shamans have been OP I can only expect the devs to let ret be the FOTP (Flavor Of The Phase).


Leave Paladins alone… let them have fun. If we need one change is cut damage in half whole bubble is up.


Nope! The only classes that need to be nerfed are shaman (all specs). Shamans already made most of SOD “rage quit”. Paladins are not in a good place right now they are only OP when in FULL bwl gear… Asking for nerfs to paladin clearly shows you don’t actually play the game when shamans are running around in greens and blues taking down 3-5 people at a time lol. Hope you have a great day Throwinhands :people_hugging:


its not even “full” bwl set. its 2-4 pc set.

they are busted.

moonkin>>>pally=hunter in that order need nerfs.

they already nerfed shaman so its you guy’s turn.

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Bro you think stuns get broken by flameshock. Nothing you say should be taken seriously. Your IQ is so low you actually believe you have fooled people.


Remove bubble from the game.

Or better yet, make it a rune and put it on a slot that would nuke their damage by 30% if they ever took it. Imagine if a class ever had to make a hard choice like that…haha…

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Yeah, like shamans get punished for using SR just like paladins -50% healing when they take a weaker mana return.

Oh wait


trade you SR and all enh healing for bubble…deal?

these devs should choose a different career path, they are absolute garbage tier its really sad we have such crappy devs =/


Its because Aggrend plays one. They will not touch their favorite classes ret paladin and balance druid.

I play mage and paladin and funnily enough I find ret much more manageable on my mage than many other classes. Yeah they slap hard but it’s so much easier to tempo and reset against them.

To be precise, rets played with 6pc t1 and only need 2 pc t2. They still need 8 parts of T1/T2 and a decent weapon to truly slap but it can be obtain fairly quickly.

We know lol

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4 piece goes hard

You’ll survive somehow

SoD is such a massive joke and the dev team are the clowns who tell it :joy::joy::joy:

Yea thats cause mages best and only favorable matchup is VS pally.

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No one goes straight ret if they are trying to do good in SoD. Shockadin or a Reckoning build.



All youre saying is BS. A shaman in GREENS taking 3 people in PvP ??

Youre off your meds.