Ret PvP Concerns with 11.0.5

I was unaware that our Shield of Vengeance is increasing to 1.5 CD, along with our Avenging Wrath going up to 2 min CD.

Should we be worried? SoV already doesn’t save us – have they unnerfed Divine Protection without me knowing then?

I like Avenging Wrath on the 1 min CD as Templar, but will this be forcing me to take Radiant Glory?


It’s not?

It’s not?

Tooltips from wowhead are bugged.
In-game PTR is where its at.


Radiant glory is a must pick already. The way that crusade works - it always counts damage for your spender after you get the stacks from it, so you can do 1 FV into HoLight and hit hard.

It is stronger for herald because of sun’s avatar synergy, but still decent for templar.


Whether you choose straight Crusade or Radiant Glory, it’s still going to be more potent than Avenging Wrath: Might.

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Valid concerns, yes SoV (and also Rets 10% wall from DP) is inadequate. We do have an armor buff to our LoH target if talented to do that, a reduced Forbearance of 20 seconds down from 30 if we talent to do that, and Divine Shield is no longer unable to be used with Forbearance.

Then you consider I have 11 enemy movement tools including two knockbacks as MM, and MMs CC cannot be kicked. When Repentance or Searing Glare are kicked Ret is very vulnerable. None of MMs heals or defensives can be kicked or dispelled while most of Rets defensives are dispelled and casted FoL can be kicked, while Ret is easier to bait into bad positioning. The total package of Rets design has it in a worse place mathematically and in practice compared to many other specs.

Now, why am I comparing a spec that does more damage than Ret from the safety of Range, who also has better tuned and designed healing and defensives than Ret? One is ranged and one is kind of melee, but there is no reason I know of to pvp as Ret.

Why is FR and AW pvp nerfed, why is Ret healing pvp nerfed, and why is the rest of its spec and class talents pvp nerfed when most of its pvp talents are 50% - 80% nerfed versions of what Ret had in SL? The answer seems to be Blizzard doesn’t want Ret to pvp. Blizzard might want Ret to be inadequate because players of other specs complained a bunch when Ret was good in 10.0.7.


we are being balanced around radiant glory which sucks so bad. it seems whoever is in charge of ret has this sick obscession with having wings up all the time.

why cant we get a normal dev for once . why cant we go back to wings being a 2min/1min strong cd over this spammy trash. pisses me off we are getting changes and yet these changes are keeping the spec in the same gameplay loop…


I highly disagree with this. I’d way rather have sustained damage over crazyburst windows that u get ccd through and hit with a dry mop between bursts.

The biggest issue is ret mobility and survivability are the worst in the game. Mobility is somewhat being addressed in 11.0.5 but nothing on survivability


Got hit with a Ret’s Judgment in a Solo BG. Because I love Ret thematically but know the tuning is poor I watched my health bar as it traveled…and then landed… With no defensives used the Judgement made no discernable movement to my health bar and the rest of the rotation did nearly nothing while I had one of my 2 charges of wall in use.

As Ret in week one with Rets 10% wall from DP + SoV+ Bubble when SoV is poped and sometimes I’d die in 5 seconds, since in team fights bubble and BoP will never be allowed to last its duration.

Thats kind of the problem, overall damage for Ret is low, burst and sustained, if the enemy team wills, you have no rotation, you die. Or, if left live to do as you wish when not CCed, you are CCed. Ppl see wings they stun, they see steed they root, clear the root, they fear you. Congratulations your now fast in the wrong direction. There is no defensives that can enable, even somewhat temporarily, saftey for Ret to rebuke in melee range during a team fight, dispelled defensives do Ret no favors. And in the alternate universe that Ret gets to push offensive buttons, they dont move healthbars. FV doing 400k to players is a joke. My aimed shot does 800k to a player, from 60 yards. Wailing Arrow, over a million, Kill Shot sometimes over a million, one press of Rapid Fire can be over a million through a wall or 50 yards of dirt. MM isnt even that much of an outlier. Some specs right now hit HARD, and I dont know why Ret isnt allowed to also.


You can have suatained damage with a 2min wings cd. It seems you dont get it either

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Yep and that is how we ended up in a wheelchair. That was legion. With current long range design they won’t allow us to pressure outside of wings. Radiant glory is a huge step in a right direction. They just need to unnerf crit wings in pvp for perfection.

2 min wings were always countered with 2 min insignia anyway.


Its the opposite. You cant talk legion pvp because it was tainted by templates.

When your normal damage is wings dsmage, you have no burst. A ret with wings isnt scary its just another day i the office. We have no burst and getting koted during your rg window leaves dealing healer levels of damace

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From playing half of DF as Ret, nearly all of BFA as Ret, and seeing Rets played in TWW… Even though no one should fear wings now, it is still treated as a strong CD by Rets enemies. Pop wings = catch a stun or fear or your enemy expertly kites. Now with the wings animation almost always on, Ret is feared, stunned, or kited more. HoJ going down to a static 30sec CD in 11.5 might help some in 11.5, I hope it does. But a more reliable stun(that is dispellable) won’t increase Final Verdict damage which needs attention. I was happy to see the Templar buffs.

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Radiant glory needs to be removed. Too much brainlessness going into this spec already.

It has devalued rets burst so much paired with herald padding looks like we are overperforming but thats not true.

The choice node should have been 2min crusade vs unnerfed avemging wrath might 1min cd.

Radiant glory has thrown the spec into this loop of always havinh wings which means you never really have an offensive cd

However Blizzard decides Ret should or can do burst damage, it needs to be actual damage(for pvp) that moves healthbars. If someone has seen some kind of Solo BG success as Ret, my hats off to them, they are truly an exceptional player. Doing well with both design and tuning handicaps is no small feat. Most rets I see on Random Bgs and Solo BG pad some numbers with cleave damage but fairly obviously lack the spikes of high burst and effective pvp tools to be effective in the game mode. Its a lot of see divine shield, kite, then murder the Ret with little effort or Dispell BoP and murder the Ret right away, also with little effort. One thing Ret has going for it, if they lose a match they never need to think its their fault because the poor tuning and design is well known. BG related tier lists have come out lately that have only enhance and HDH close to as low as Ret. Enchance can stuggle from lack of mobility, HDH doesnt have damage, Ret has neither.

We could do more burst. Problem is all our talents that support the burst gameplay is melee. (Example DS proc gameplay, espaicially with ts/cs proccing free ds’s)

Oh I miss having to rely on wings to delete people every two minutes and having to play/plan around the wings cooldown, it was a fun playstyle. Wings don’t feel like they have much of an impact anymore, at least in PvP.

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Absolutely 1000% a radiant glory fan. So sick of waiting on 2 min CDs while everyone else has 30-45-1min CDs Love the pressure it brings, love the counter play it creates. So good. Greatest talent I’ve ever seen.


it has the perfect cd and duration for your DRs to wear off so you can be completely shut down