Ret PvP Concerns with 11.0.5

Winga dont have imoact because you always have wings you peanutbrain

Again you dont havr burst right noe wing damage is normal damage. A warrior using avatar roar bladestorm is burst.
A paladin radiant gloru wings is not burst is REQUIRED for you to work. If eveey attack is wings then there is no wings

I now believe most people I engage with here are df s1 rerollers. They cant see past “MUH GKOWY WINGS DAMAGE WOOOOOO”. And saldy whoever is in charge of ret may be just as much of a reroller

buddy are you ok?
the way you write makes me thing you have to see a doctor or smth…


Good. Another bot. Straight to jail

Your ego is too inflated, it does not match with your pvp achievements. Hold the horses.

They are right though radient glory sucks so bad. These super brainless auto talents like radient glory and crusader strike auto attack are fine for noobs but the problem is they provide better throughput than taking other options, dumbing the spec down mega. Radiant glory and csaa need to be mega nerfed noob trap talents.

If anything they need to buff them.

Wow needs to stop design classes around long dmg CDs and burst dmg, consistent dmg is way more healthier for pvp and the game in general.

They just need to tone down DPS self healing which is out of control right now.

Its fine pal, if you cannot imagine what healthy class design looks like thats on you.

Consistant damage doesnt get kills. Burst windows dont need to be 2mins, ret was perfectly fine with a 1min cd burst cycle post rework

What the clueless above sont realize is when your cds are up all the time you have no burst. Your “go” isnt a go… its just your rotation. Some specs are balanced around being dampeners and winming the longer the game goes like arms. Arms has the tools to be a dampener with very short and longer cds to help damage windows.

Ret is not arms. Ret doesnt work that way and doesnt have the tools to make every go count. No ms no sharpen no colossus roar nothing. Ret needs huge burst to get preassure.

On the other topic, csaa and rg existing just remive any semblance of skill from the spec. Autotalents can exist but cannot be better than preasing your buttons. You are rewarding doing nothing over playing the game.

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I am glad that you are THE ONLY one who can.

Chistel is right about Ret burst not existing and its sustained damage being poor. For decades players countered Ret by CCing during wings, killing Ret during forbearance. With wings almost permanent (and nerfed by 50% in PVP)…Ret isnt killed because its damage should be feared, it is the kill target because it is already CCed and Forbearance still grants the enemy a win condition. DP 10% wall is a joke, SoV pops in 2 seconds, Ret self healing is a joke, with high armor amounts Ret is still killed by physical damage dealers and magic damage dealers alike very quickly, dispelled defensives, Blessing of Spellwarding wards 0 spells that are CC… Ret is not doing ok, not now, and not before Radiant Glory.

CCAA being good is the least of our problems.
If Retribution isnt allowed to do good damage, but also has no instant mobility, no disarm, no MS, no invisibility, no knockbacks, what does it do? Why play Ret?


I’ll gladly trade you the rogue developer for the paladin developer.

They couldn’t help themselves and nerfed Paladin a bit before the patch…