RET Paly bottom of the logs in first few days of M+

For all the Palys ‘‘Paly Haters’’ in this forum justifying nerfs to the class.

Here is what logs look like for the first few days of M+

Yep, Ret Paly at the bottom along with prot.

Then you have guys like Turalyon and Benchmark loving a 15% nerf…

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I personally have not had any issues with DPS in any content so far, including the raid with ST.

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Wait, wait…

Is this according to damage or representation?

Because this graph shows Holy Paladins above ret.

When I hit the “Parse” tab, according to this data, we wind up second to Resto Shaman.

Huh. Interesting. :thinking:

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The parameters that you have set this on appears a bit stupidly skewed.

And this…

…constitutes harassment

I think point are attributed differently per the role you have.
So obviously holy doesn’t do more DPS than Ret but as far as POINTS goes for its ROLE its above.

Like I said, the preset parameters he’s using are useless.

If you target the data for the highest key currently available (11), Ret is second for DPS role behind rogue for “per second score” and fourth with “normalized”.

If you look at just the DPS across all keys and data, it shows Augmentation at the top in both normalized and per second, this stuff means less than nothing :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

He’s convinced himself he found the ultimate “gatcha” but all he succeeded to do is make himself look like a complete clown.


I think the doomers either don’t main the class or overreact to rankings.

The overwhelming majority of Ret Paladins I’ve come across do fine with damage, staying upright and get joy out of playing the class.

Is it perfect? No.

Is it usable and perfectly good/viable in all content aside from very niche things? Absolutely.


You sir, are a sane person.

And believe it or not, it appears to be something rare on these forums lately.


Yeah, I see that. I wonder what the Holy Paladins think of this.

In the immortal words of my man Homer: “D’OH!”

Double “D’OH”.

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we dont need to bring up names in this, i suggest you delete this and remake it without the finger pointing

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His credibility is already none.

He never interacted with me or Tur on anything in his history(limited history) but call us out by name?

No, that’s someone who is usually posting on another character who’s sole goal with this was to create the illusion of “many” people calling out for Ret being bad and bad mouth other players.

This type of behavior is pathetic and his lies and intentions are transparent…


I know my gear isn’t the best and my rotation is off but I like to ask all the ret pally here do you notice that even if you try there is always someone in your group that out dps you but a lot even if they have less gear or similar than you? I always find that from different packs to packs I feel like there is always a class that outdps me like a warrior, HDH Ench Shammy etc in ST same thing there is always some spec that will out dps me.

I guess is that why ret pally is middle of the pack?

Bottom in M+, but you have to play what you like.

Call out posts are against ToS.

What is even the point of looking at Keystone dungeons on WarcraftLogs? It isn’t parsing damage or performance, simply how fast the dungeon was completed. That is why specs that facilitate skips or increase survivability like Sub or Aug are the two clear outliers.

Discounting the two DPS specs at the top and the three at the bottom, they’re all roughly within 2-3% of each other.

Or we can go to Raids where damage actually does matter and we’re upper middle of the pack. Hell, we’re even stuck squarely in the middle of the pack for Mythic and we’re not even required to be brought anymore with the removal of Ret aura.

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Is not that bad yet given I haven’t done m+ mostly just M0 but I am always 2nd in dps or 1st depends but is hard to outdps some specs

Shut up, you don’t have any progress on M+, don’t you dear to talk us

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Dude, M+ just started this week and my IO was higher than YOURS in the last two seasons. You have NO bragging rights.


At 605 I’ve been finishing low keys around 1-1.2mil over the whole dungeon, most bosses I’m at about 800k maybe closer to a mil if there are any adds.

Its nice having a 30s damage cycle so you practically apply the same pressure each and every pull. For shorter fights this means you’ll see a skew where specs who can unload their entire 2+ minute cd cycle in the first minute are showing a disproportionate read from their cds. Once the fights start to become 2-4 minutes and cooldowns desync, externals like lust PI and potions start to fall off it evens out and ret becomes closer. Then compared to melee there’s the added bonus where you can give your group the close range during certain mechanics while you push out most of your rotation unhindered.

my brother in christ, you are atoc only. sit down

Sure., mr blue parses (carry)

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Maybe I’m a noob, but what are parses and how do you see them?

You have to have your raid fights logged on raiderio, by yourself or others.

It basically show how you rank against other retribution players. From damage done and taken etc.