Ret Pallys in Dragonflight are they any good?

I’ve been debating on what to use my boost token on and this was one of the classes I was thinking of doing. So to anyone that’s been following or playing the Beta how’s Ret looking?

Give Ret spellwording back.

Download the PTR and test it for free.
You’ll only be level 60, but it’s enough to get a feel for it.

In terms of numbers, tuning has only began as off last week.

Yeah that’d be nice but the PTR is buggin and 90% of the abilities are grayed out on class trials

Haven’t played beta, but I would wait until prepatch comes and play ret before boosting.

The damage looks good, but proc chances just got hit with a nerf in the latest hotfix so slower gamplay. Mobility is not good (looks worse than current). Really wish they would come back and add long arm of the law. I love playing ret, so I’m still going to main it going into DF.


Well, with current balancing in beta, Ret just spams Consecration in ST and AoE. So, if you like a ground aoe spell to be 75% of you overall damage, go for it.


Yeah I am not excited to play around consecration


Talent trees are kinda dog poo atm… but the numbers apparently constituted a wicked nerf bat this week. It’s all kinda still up in the air though.

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The nerf seemed due honestly. From what I’ve read divine storm was 1 shotting. Skill tree does look meh. Lots of points going into skills that were already talents


Much like Guardian Druids, our trees have not been touched since their original inception, with very little feedback from the devs. On top of that they have severely throttled the proc rate of Blade of Justice impacting the flow of the rotation, and killing the Ashes to Dust talent as a result.

Do to the sheer amount of throughput talents in the class tree, we are also losing utility as leaving those untaken adds to an overall damage loss, and retribution cannot afford to leave any damage on the table.

We are also the only melee spec that is losing mobility, as all other melee get movement baseline, whereas we have to talent into our baseline.

While they did add modifiers to Retribution and Crusader Aura, if you are the only paladin in your group, they are unusable as you will be expected to run Devotion Aura for the 3% DR.

The spec tree is laid out in such a way that AoE and ST is mixed together, and just a jumbled pathing mess.

As others have said tuning has just begun, but Consecration is doing more damage then some of our finishers.

To be fair they had changed our Aura from a -24% value to 0, so we had a pretty big overall buff, that they turned back on specific abilities, mainly our finishers.


Reeeeaaaaal bad. Apparently. Following, not playing.

My impression of the talent tree just from looking is, “What the hell is their obsession with Consecration?”


Apparently the entire paladin class is kinda screwed in DF. Glad I got a DK and Warr to fall back on:


No they suck compared to how they are now. So much is removed and is made into talents. Its terrible. Shaman is where it is at.


here i am with my main arms warrior


I just find it extremely amusing that Shamans and Warriors are the two highest praised class trees. It’s probably coincidence, but those are the classes that the Game Director and Company President happen to play. I’m not saying their was favortism, but appearances…


No it isnt. Blizzard lead devs have had a history of nerfing what they dont like and buffing classes that they play. They even openly admit it on social media.

I copied my warrior over there and all my other toons. Sham and warrior are by far the best. Pallies are terrible now.

WoW devs have a massive history of maining shamans. Might be a good bet to roll a sham. Ele is looking pretty good so far.


I tried shaman because of the feedback on their class going into DF, but I didn’t enjoy the gameplay. If I don’t like ret in prepatch, I’ll probably reroll or get bored and quit.


My fav toon of all time is my paladin I will never quit playing that toon. So it really sucks to see it not be anything good again. Its like back in WoTLK when rets were so leet. They have never been that good since. Blizzard needs to let them have their time to shine again.

Pallies in alpha were leet. Now in beta they are just… meh.


After trying all 3 specs in beta, they feel less fun than their SL iterations. Which was a pretty low bar to begin with. If you’re looking for something with big numbers, check back in a month or so.

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Ret is entirely dependent on tuning. There is no way to tell how it will perform until near near launch. Maybe not even by then.