It’s very interesting to me to cross-reference people’s record with their claims. For example, neither you nor Sylvaun were actually raiding in vanilla
Then once I proved you wrong you changed it to that I never played Alliance. The proof is right there idiot. You literally dont get what moving the goal post means, Im shocked! Add that to the list of things you are unable to understand.
The enchant on my gear proves I had them before the BMAH. Anyone with knowledge of vanilla shoulder enchants will back me on this. You literally couldn’t get that enchant after vanilla , they changed it. You can be in denial all you want idiot, just makes you look stupid.
You didn’t even know that Vanilla didn’t have achievements. You also think that the classic tab on the character pages prove that someone raided in vanilla when that isn’t even close to the truth. You literally don’t even know basic things about this game.
wrong, not even close to accurate. You were the one who claimed I never raided in vanilla because I don’t have achievements older than the achievement system itself. Do you know how stupid this is? The best part is the that pally’s oldest achievement is only like a month older than mine haha.
You literally have to ignore my original point for what you are typing to be true. I was literally arguing with that paladin about bad vs good players, go back and look you idiot. it all there as proof.
You are living in a fantasy world. Must be nice.
Haha your just making stuff up at this point. You are so desperate. Get it together.
You know what, You want to know how I know for a fact that Ret pally is viable? Because the guild I was in was literally downing Naxx bosses with trash members, some that would die due to boss mechanics on a regular basis. A good Ret pally is 100% better than a dead person who can’t do boss mechanics.
what? lol I don’t even know how to respond…like contradict much?
PPM is still a chance not guaranteed. Therefore the more “attacks” you have in that minute the better the odds of getting said PPM. The math really isn’t hard.
It’s about uptime, not sitting around waiting for that next proc…
No, PPM means procs per minute regardless of swing timers. 4ppm means it’s going to proc 4 times in a minute, the amount of swings doesn’t change the chance of getting 4 procs.
Theloras has already done the math on nightfall and my live testing backs up his base numbers.
You’re being unnecessarily pedantic. The meta for horde was completely different than the meta for alliance during vanilla. In the context of a vanilla wow, faction specific discussion about paladins, the statement “you weren’t there” is the same as “you weren’t there…raiding…on alliance…with a paladin…in ret spec.” It’s superfluous to state “on alliance” with every statement because it’s already known that paladins were only available to alliance.
I’m familiar with the gear, enchants, and progression tracking, which is why I’m calling you out for clinging to them so strongly as your evidence. I don’t think any less of you for buying your gear. I also don’t think any less of you for failing to step foot in outland a full two years after TBC release.
I do think it’s strange, though, that you apparently raided all the way up into Naxx and then never stepped foot in a raid again until Legion and then come here to insult people about a game you didn’t care much about when it was current.
I don’t watch his streams and ghost is abit of a prat, but yeah you actually need to watch that video you posted. All he says is the support wasn’t there. That’s not trashing, that’s stating a fact you dislike. They’re 2 seperate things.
Well you need to get a thicker skin, I’ve watched that video and while he could elaborate more on his points at no point is he “trashing” the private servers. He’s making a few valid points you don’t like and while you’re free to dislike them, You need to look at it objectively.
Hell theres stuff in that video that I dislike but I accept they’re his oppinions and just move on with my life about them without attributing some sinister motivations to them.
i would be happy to hear him out if he were to make a mea culpa video or at least one explaining his meaning when he filmed that video and others - but until then, he should know that he lost a lot of fans that day
Why not. If you enjoy it, you will figure out how to be good. Its a game. Have fun. You may find a new version of Ret that works for you. There is always a guild that wants people and not min/max.
Now if min/max is a priority then its not viable overall.
The possibility occurred to me, but given that you edited your post twice and threw that in all of a sudden it doesn’t seem likely.
It also doesn’t matter. It’s just another example of you picking at nits…unless your argument is now that you quit raiding with your Naxx guild and switched to alliance.
Thats some solid logic there…haha does’t even make sense. Honestly you just are not a smart person. get it together i almost feel bad for you, your IQ can’t be a point over 70.
What? Preach never picked a side, He’s even said so himself several times when people tried to put words in his mouth about whether he was for or against classic. In fact he LOVES classic now, and can’t bring himself to play BFA outside of raid times. even this video is him talking about the outrage about private servers being shut down, not about support for classic.
I, along with many players from Nostalrius respectively disagree. His videos back then only hurt hurt the collective efforts to try and get Vanilla/Classic on top of really pissing off a lot of private server players in the process, myself included.
I respect your right to disagree, but i think preach was mainly aiming his arguement against people who bandwagon onto something just to be outraged collectively at something. as he mentioned with the master looter example. Tons of poeple bandwagoned on the hate on master looter until it was removed, despite them NEVER actually using master looter to begin with.