Ret Paladins Are A Burden

Uh…what? Are we talking PvP or PvE? You should never use anything but seal of command in PvP. If you have holy shock, you’re not ret, you’re holy.


Uhh, if you’re using holy shock, you’re holy. Ret can pancake players by judging crusader, stunning them and judging command. Especially deep ret bc they have two stuns.

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right so in pve during boss fights you always want to use judgement of wisdom before using seal of command so that you dont run out of mana, but during pvp its very situational. in a 1v1 you want to use seal of wisdom, judgment of wisdom, then command because you dont want to run out of mana, but when everyone is running around like chickens with their heads cut off and its just a mob of people attacking each other yeah use seal of command dont worry about applying wisdom because you wont be able to track your target anyways. and obv im not ret but im not going to gimp myself going full ret for the crit based damage boost because holy shock can be used interchangeably between fulfilling a dps or healing role and considering the long term gameplay i would rather take holy shock and avoid having to respec every time i want to do either pvp or pve, as 50 gold a reset is something i would like to avoid.

You are very poorly itemized and shouldn’t play ret then unless doing it as a healer for extra CC

right, thats why i dont normally play ret, i just switch between sets of gear that compliments any role, be it protection, retribution, or holy. but this all comes from playing paladin since day 1 of classic launch

yeah, if you judge crusader and then judge command its like 600-800 damage but again were talking about a large amount of mana usage

No no. You have it all wrong my guy. If you’re pvping, you NEVER EVER EVER judge wisdom. Ever. If you have seal of wisdom up, your damage is only coming from auto attacks (and holy shock…which you shouldn’t have). You can’t expect to get kills if you’re holy specced with ret gear on. You gotta pick one or the other.

You also don’t use wisdom in PvE either.

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actually, judgement of wisdom is BIS in duels and 1v1s

if youre going for the absolute most max damage possible burn your mana in 10 seconds, technically crusader is BIS because of the holy damage increase, but again, unless some other paladin is also judging wisdom youre going to be reliant on mana potions to continue casting anything after like 20 seconds

Thays the best thing about paladin though, spec doesn’t necessarily lock you into a role.

The real problem is 90% of the Ret’s dont play to their class full advantage. They have terrible situational awareness and don’t know how to utilize their utility spells well.

I guess I am spoil cuz I play with one of the best paladin in the world. =)


Maybe with the spec bonus from holy but other than that it will drop too fast. If you play well you should be able to oom any other class with relative ease without it.

What? Esfand isnt on herod! :wink:

Esfand is an auto attacking andy. lol


A 33/0/18 paladin in tier 2 and a big 2 hander that knows how to heal, buff and smack things can be even more valuable than just a regular holy paladin.

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1h + shield shockadin spec can heal and dps better than ret.

fight me.

enhance is also useless - if they are purge botting they are probably level, if not better, than a ret playing the support role he should.


Which how ridiculous ele damage is in classic. I would never play rng Enh.

I freaking hate ele sham’s.

The spec has its place but it’s pretty selfish and with no points in prot gimps your bop and freedom. Those are must haves. And no you do not dps better than a well geared ret that’s laughable. Not saying you don’t have good burst though.

Most specs fall apart before or around the endgame 5-man dungeon content in terms of design/viability, & the horrible gear itemization compounds the problem even further. Welcome to the TBC BETA game, better known as Vanilla/Classic WoW.

ehh I only go offensive when I’ve got burst and my teammates are happy HP.

Guardians favor is not necessary at all. And ret only does good damage when the stars align. I can win 1v1’s way more consistently as shockadin than ret.

Any pally interested in PVP should have eye for and eye, IMO. You’re effectively a battery discharging inbound damage to the mvp’s on the other side.


Shockadin is better for 1v1 against classes where deep ret struggles. But you’re wrong about guardians favor when it comes to wsg. And imp conc aura with a reduced stun CD and extra armor makes you a godlike healing tank for AB. Esp with the 5% silence resist ring from dmw. The benefits of being a ret shockadin just don’t help in team fights much.