Ret paladin viability

Being good and demanding is not hardcore. Hardcore is raiding 6 hours a day 5 days a week to push world first like method. You can raid 2 hours 2 days a week and still be skillful and demand excellence from your players. If you think elitism and hardcore are the same thing, you’re mistaken, but I will grant that (by that definition) everything I do would be “hardcore” to you.

WoW is a game. So fun isn’t an exaggeration or meant to be taken lightly. You can easily learn the fights without wiping on purpose. Doing so is ridiculous unless you plan on playing as a competition instead of a social game.


That would be my sole reason for playing, yes.

That’s still not a reason to demean other ways to play the game.

So, any guild that doesn’t do things your way is just hamfisting it praying the stars align?


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Being bad at something is always a reason to demean someone, especially if they’re okay with it. Hence my entire stance on ret. Picking a sub-par spec because you like it is accepting being bad.

It’s okay to verbally abuse someone who chooses not to stand with the status quo regardless of how it actually affects you? Even if someone says it’s okay, it’s still harmful.

… Yikes …



Depends on what you consider verbal abuse. I’d never whisper someone in game who app’d to a group I’m in and go “lolscrub, gitgud and stop playing that terribad spec.”

I’d just deny them.

I do, however, have no remorse talking about a theoretical situation or group of people negatively when someone is trying to convince me I shouldn’t think negatively of them.

That’s still no reason to disregard the majority situations in which people would receive positive gain. Your ideal is a minority and trying to apply it as a blanket over the majority also is harmful.

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Harmful to what end? It’s just voicing my opinion. Whether someone gets offended or not is irrelevant to me. I don’t care about their feelings. I don’t care about building a community, or having “social fun.”

I’m just explaining why I think a majority of the guilds OP specifically wants to be in will shun rets.

Class/Spec doesnt matter. The player does.

I don’t care if the person plays ret paladin. If that person managed to get rank 14 gear or Naxx gear and you’re doing an MC pug, you’d be an idiot to not invite them.

Ret paladins can work, they just work differently. You wont be topping the meters. But again. If you’re raiding and that ret paladin spends hours and hours farming flasks for raid and comes to raid prepared and then your lazy fury warrior #4 just shows up. Your ret paladin is a better player.

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To the very least, the population of people willing to raid. Instead of being confrontational “Ret sucks, just heal;” one can be more informative “healing is more in demand, you’ll probably have a tougher time justifying your spot because you will do a lot less dps than the big 3.”

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Every aspect matters. You’d be stupid to invite a ret over a rogue/mage/warrior of the same level. The cases where you are looking for a warm body and decide to take the theoretical super skilled ret over the theoretical bottom barrel rogue is slim to none.

You need to be imagining competing players of similar levels.

Not interested in catering to all new people looking to join in the fun. Toxicity is probably my favorite weeding methodology in games.

If you can survive in the flames and be tempered by it, you deserve to stay. If you can’t, not gonna miss you because you’re already “the wrong type.”

Every aspect doesn’t matter. Go look at some of the old kill videos in Naxx from 2006. I know many people who play private servers and min/max try to get the best possible group. But those guys who actually cleared the content when it was current, pushed off buffs. They didn’t play 100% percent.

The ret paladin in your group isn’t the reason you’re not clearing Naxx. It’s something wrong with your strategy.

When Classic comes around, we’re going to be living in the world where DBM has helped guilds clear content 100% harder than 2006 Naxx.

Ret paladins won’t be holding people back. Invite whoever you want. Play what you want.

And warcraft logs will be enabling well performing groups to do what they do now, which is weed out all the dead weight. The best person on the worst spec is still dead weight.

The current community of achievers isn’t very accepting of “bare minimum necessary” to succeed. Just look at all the raider io QQ threads.

Classic will be just like pservers and modern wow as far as community and acceptance of players/specs/etc are concerned.

So you prefer poisoning the atmosphere of a game just so you can find people that fit your preferences out of the gate easier? I guess the world world can’t get rid of filth, what hope do we anonymous thrill seekers have in keeping something thrilling?


Yes? 10chars

HIs 8/9 mythic raid kills say otherwise… oh wait he’s got simiar prog to a filthy casual like me.

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