BTW Loial/Basecamp - I was actually wrong when I said that Holystrike had never beaten Smiter on DPS.
But to say it was a fair and accurate comparison would be intellectually dishonest lol…
You see, Holystrike had the full rank 13 updated Field Marshal set with loads of spell damage (unBlizzlike at that patch iteration for Nost FYI) and was swinging Ashkandi.
Whereas Smiter was in pre-raid blues and swinging the DM West quest reward mace:
Binds when picked up
Two-hand Mace
129 - 194 Damage Speed 3.00
(53.8 damage per second)
+30 Strength
Durability 100 / 100
Equip: [Improves your chance to get a critical strike by 1%.]
and had only just upgraded to a MC 2hander - namely Obsidian Edged Blade.
Go to the Nost forums and do a search for “Ret Pve Tips/Guide” by Smiter in the Paladin section:
Re: Ret Pve Tips/Guide
by Theloras » Sat Feb 13, 2016 9:15 pm
Holystrike wrote:
you are doing it on irrelevant content however, and using that as a means to grant yourself credibility while advising rets to gear incorrectly and miss vital consumables…
If you are going to write a guide make sure you are using all the consumables which a ret should use in your own raids first… wasting them to do 30 more dps in Molten Core then someone unworld-buffed and unflasked is not a worth while investment
Holy - you are incorrect here and I have to step in and ask you to step away from this thread.
Smiter is putting up numbers in both MC and BWL. His gear is what he has at the moment as well - not everyone can afford the time required to grind up to rank 10 to get 6/6 blue set or even worse to rank 12/13 for epic set. IIRC, there’s only one raiding Ret that has GM Claymore…
Likewise, not very many Rets have the luxury of having Ashkandi or any other decent 3.5 or slower swing speed 2handed weapon in which to DPS with Seal of Command. All of the MC 2handers are 3.4 swing speed which mean that SotC is the better Seal to use.
Similarly, not every guild allows a single Judgement of the Crusader, let alone JotC stacking for multiple debuffs. Judging Wisdom is more than often the only option open to a raiding Ret Paladin, further pushing their DPS Seal and rotation towards SotC over SoC. Stocar wouldn’t allow double Ret (you and I) in The Council so I left and the officers in Luminous Force didn’t allow double JotC either (would have been Smiter and I).
Smiter uses every consumable available - he doesn’t slouch.
I’m using Blade of Hanna (2.1 speed) over The Untamed Blade (3.4 speed) due to its OP swing speed when used with SotC (1.5 speed)for max Vengeance uptime and Lifesteal procs.
TLDR - Ret’s gear and dps rotation is 100% dependant on what gear they have access to, what debuff they are allowed to put up and what swing speed their weapon is.