we don’t know if imp SoR talent scaled with spell dmg or not during vanilla
i wrote up a bug report for it - but without additional sources to back it up - we won’t know until classic launches
that being said, this is what I found:
Re: A Guide to Paladin Tanking | 3/13/2006 2:52:11 PM PST
Improved Seal of Righteousness - Tier Two: 5 Talent Points
Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness by 15%. Our basic holy damage generator and our main proactive ability to hold aggro. While an additional 15% may only add 6-7 damage with a fast weapon at level 60, thats an additional 6-7 of holy damage thats helping you generate threat and keep that mobs attention. Also, the 15% is factored in after +spell damage is calculated, meaning that this bonus can potentially be much greater.
@GuybrushGit had originally asked for additional evidence before so this morning I decided to look at the actual Effect listed for the spell in the database and compare it from Vanilla to TBC when it was confirmed without a doubt that it did in fact scale:
Improved Seal of Righteousness: The percentage increase in damage from this talent is now applied after all bonuses from items and effects which increase your spell damage.
Vanilla Talent
Improved Seal of Righteousness
Rank 5
Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 15%.
Effect #1 (6) Apply Aura #108: Add % Modifier (8)
TBC Talent
Improved Seal of Righteousness
Rank 5
Increases the damage done by your Seal of Righteousness and Judgement of Righteousness by 15%.
Effect #1 (6) Apply Aura #108: Add % Modifier
Value: 15
Based on this assumption, I asked a very knowledgeable Dev friend if he could take a look at this and to tell me if I was missing something - his reply - “I dont see any difference on those two pages, apart from the value of the modifier (8 vs 15 as you said).”
The theory that Killerduki and I have regarding the 2.1 patch notes is this:
Improved Seal of Righteousness: The percentage increase in damage from this talent is now applied after all bonuses from items and effects which increase your spell damage.
- in Vanilla, Imp SoR scaled with spell dmg from gear/items only
- in TBC, Imp SoR scaled with spell dmg from gear/items but also all other bonuses on top such as an on-use spell damage trinket, Sanctity Aura, One-Handed Specialization and Holy Guidance which further boosted your spell dmg by 35% of your total Intellect when 5/5
Because they specifically state “all bonuses from items and effects” rather than just spell damage from gear.
this is how it looks on the Classic Demo - at least as far as the data mining from Wowhead:
Apply Aura: Modifies Spell Effectiveness (8)
Value: 14%