Thinking about a Paladin with Corrupted Ashbringer or Might of Menethil just made me throw up a little and I’m a Warlock.
I’d argue that 3.5 is where clerics started to diverge from dedicated healer to literally as diverse, maybe even more so, as druids.
SoR will do you better than SoC at 3.2 speeds or lower at level equivalent gear and little to no buffs. When raiding, you shouldn’t have a fast weapon unless you are trying to game a manual crowd pummeler.
it is an old outdated guide;
it was a good guide for a special time instance of one special pserver;
it is not correct even for current instance of that server;
funny thing that SotC bug was in a real vanilla, but only for a short time;
even in bugged state SotC had a lower dps output than SoComm;
At this point, anything with ret paladins I’m taking with a grain of salt seeing as, on pservers there are a lot of bugs and outright miscoding. Even the stuff from back during live is a lil shaky due to the latency issues around reckoning.
If you read his bug reports in his guide one of them is that SoR (Seal of righteousness) doesn’t proc weapon procs on the server he played on, I.E nightfall, crusader, etc. And without that part of the seal it takes a pretty big hit, making sotc a better option.
-Sinclaire -Torch-
just came back to dnd after 13+ years and was mortified that a cleric could be a mace wielding fire/lightning throwing,armor wielding healer.
Sort of insane from someone who played 1st and 2nd ed.
Can’t we all Paladins get along?
shush you
So if these two are done measuring their dicks, there is something rather specific I was wondering about if anybody has info on it:
With Seal of Command when is the 70% damage calculated?
That is, is it indirectly affected by things like Two-Handed Weapon Spec, the physical side of Vengeance, and armour as they alter the amount of weapon damage that you deal?
According to the videos I’ve witnessed it should be after all the physical damage multipliers but before armor, crits, and flat reduction (this last one is speculation).
This is the assumption I’ve been working on. Just wanted to see if I had it wrong.
I suppose one can always test it exactly once Classic drops
Theoloras taught me everything I knew about Ret Paladin early on during Nost. Him and a great Kronos Ret named Smiter. After spending time with them, and Oleboi, Ret became fun. PvE and PvP alike were wonderful.
I have no idea where all of the hate for Theoloras came from but he consistently posted in the Nostalrius threads for months educating people who wanted to learn. Nothing he has ever done has been negative.
I respect your ability and I appreciate him, and for Blair’s sake I’ll stop there. But as a fellow Retbrother I could not just stand by.
Seal of Command’s 70% weapon damage as Holy comes directly from the character screen where it displays main hand weapon damage range.
For example, with Blessing of Might, my level 39’s damage range is 233-288 whereas my geared level 60 Ret Paladin’s damage range is 553-684
Two-Handed spec, Sanctity Aura and Vengeance are added on top of this.
word is bond fellow brother of the light!
PS Blair - not sure if you read my thread in the previous version of the classic forums regarding Nightfall - but you can peruse it here if you like to see what each class/spec that can swing Nightfall looks like:
Yeah I read it all over, may have actually been the leading reason I actually get to play retribution in my guild. Had to do some convincing, but I did get the spot. Now I just have to proof it’s worth it when classic eventually does come out.
I have also talked to Keftank a couple times myself, having him do some testing for me. And countless hours on private servers testing stuff myself.
But ya I have read a lot of your stuff over the last year, convincing myself that retribution may actually be worth the hassle in the end.
-Sinclaire -Torch-
nice! keep fighting the good fight man!
It really is. Warrior is fun as well but Ret is immediately fun. When you’re level 7 killing 3 or 4 Kobolds at a time in that first mine South of Goldshire, you’ll be like GG.
Question regarding nightfall actually so say you’re the main nightfall user, obviously if your guild allows it judge sotc and then switch to SoR while judging it off cool down the entire fight for maximum nightfall uptime. Would the talent in the holy tree (improved seal of righteousness) be worth the 5 points?
I feel the extra 15% damage for both the seal and judgement would be worth it but maybe it doesn’t scale correctly? Am I missing something there?