Weapon damage was useless for feral, you are correct although there is a weapon. Manuel crowd pummeler that is basically a necessity for any raiding feral. And 50% of a feral druids life span will be spent in gnomer farming said weapon.
- Find a casual friendly guild to be accepted as non healing hybrid
- Raid as hardcore raider and enjoy casual progress
eh farming this mace is an extraordinary efforts, feral raid preparations much more then hardcore rogue usually doing
UYou know, the more I thought about this Blacksmithing idea the more I like it. All 3 of them weapons are basically used throughout the entire of vanilla and are huge for profit. Blacksmithing may not be as bad of an idea as I had originally thought, add in the blacksmithing fear trinket and you are set lol
High drop chance, and near the back door entrance. takes about 5 minutes per run and you can do 5 per hour. On average you’ll get at least 2 per hour. Considering the massive amount of time one has to farm and grind regardless for everything else this is easily the most time effective option to increase your dps.
That trinket has a ridic CD on it.
Here’s what you have to think about when it comes to dps, YES rogues/mages/huntards/locks will always be better than you when played just as well in equal gear, but when you put extra effort in and REALLY min/max with gear and enchants and buffs and consumables, you will beat out any lazy dps that shows up and expects a raid spot and wants loot, especially if they consistently die to mechanics or don’t play their class right
The fact of the matter is that DPS’ers are close 3/4 of the raid, you will NEVER find thirty rogues/mages/huntards/locks that put in the max amount of effort required to play their class perfectly on the same server, especially in classic wow. And with the classic level grind and end game gear grind, there wont be altaholics like there are on live.
Therefore, play a ret pali if you want, grind out sulfuras with your guild when it is your turn to get it, grind out dungeon BiS, full enchant everything, use all consumables, come to raid fully world buffed, do everything proper and you can beat out a lazy rogue any day
Disclaimer before I go into phase 2: I started playing in cataclysm, I was 10, I didn’t hit max level until WoD, my only experience with classic is on private servers and even then I have never hit max lvl or raided, I am currently leveling a hunter on lightshope, in 1 day of /played I am lvl 27, everything you are about to read HAS BEEN DISCUSSED with people that truly experienced vanilla in its glory in a discord server
So our argument for not balancing dps classes is what you have read, however what about tanks/healers? It won’t be hard to find 2 dedicated prot warriors and a couple holy priests, so SHOULD THESE SPECS BE BALANCED OUT? I agree that prot pali and guardian druids shouldn’t be AS good as prot warriors just because of their hybrid nature, but even with all the effort in the world these tanks wont be anywhere near viable in ANY raid setting, and TO ME that is problematic, why should 2 specs be completely unplayed in a raid setting? Warriors can tank raids easy, and they CAN tank dungeons but it requires more effort, so why shouldn’t druids and paladins be able to do that but vice versa?
Another argument is that there will be no expansion that comes along to shake things up, the classic servers will ALWAYS be the classic servers, so why shouldn’t balance be something to strive for. Please think about this with an open mind and don’t look back with rose colored glasses.
Another disclaimer: since I have experienced classic wow, I am against other QoL changes like instant mail or more flight paths, part of the fun of vanilla was going out and SEEING the world, and having to travel and it being really inconvenient because it truly felt like an adventure, and not some mad dash to max level. Screw 30 minute hearthstone timers and screw getting rid of respawn timers. Keep the time commitment the same. I shouldn’t have 7 days of /played on my 110 shaman in maxed out raid gear… Eleven days of /played to lvl 60 is MUCH MORE FUN
Of course. When you have to raid 2-4 hours 5 nights a week + grind and prepare time, it is a second job. People don’t realize that unless you are in a HC raid guild, playing a spec that may be suboptimal for an optimized raid may actually be optimal because you don’t have a min/maxed raid with 2-3 alts each for swap outs.
There is no such thing as a Guardian Druid in Vanilla. Feral was a combined tanking and DPS tree, and Feral was actually a usable tank in place of a Warrior. In some cases, a bear was even preferable.
Prot Paladins are technically viable but suffer from their strengths not being played to in raids. They’re good AoE tanks, but aren’t as good against raid bosses. Most guilds are going to use Warriors or Feral Druids to tank raid bosses, and there aren’t a ton of encounters that need a lot of AoE tanking done.
Blizzard has already said that they aren’t doing class balance so any discussion is theoretical, but you also have to consider PvP balance when talking about buffing those classes.
For Paladins in PvP, a Prot/Ret hybrid is the highest burst DPS because of Reckoning. Buffing it might very well cause problems in PvP.
ok, 2 maces per hour, 6 uses (i misremember it as unique item)
2 hours gnomer farm only for this mace for ordinary MC farm run (if no wipes),
useless in progression runs with hundreds of wipes,
and you still need another things from mongoose elix to dragonbreath chili, etc.
it is exactly an extraordinary efforts
funny thing that a ret paladin is even more expensive than feral

guardian druids
Just FYI, “guardian druids” didn’t even exist until the Mists of Pandaria expansion when Blizzard did away with the old-style talent trees for good and added a fourth specialization for Druids.

For Paladins in PvP, a Prot/Ret hybrid is the highest burst DPS because of Reckoning.
All the hybrids are bursts, that’s how they balanced them. I think reck would be one of those things that would have to change if you wanted Paladins to be a serious tank anyway.
Who wants to be an MT getting critted? And in tanking gear you shouldn’t be.
The problem with introducing balancing changes is it starts a snowball effect and then where do you stop? I come from vanilla, i have multiple 60s across multiple private servers including Northdale and Lightshope/Darrowmere(pre-merger). If you start balancing any class you are going to introduce other unintended issues that will then have to be balanced further and where do you stop at this point?
agree that prot pali and guardian druids shouldn’t be AS good as prot warriors just because of their hybrid nature, but even with all the effort in the world these tanks wont be anywhere near viable in ANY raid setting, and TO ME that is problematic, why should 2 specs be completely unplayed in a raid setting?
That’s vanilla in a nutshell and what people are asking for. You can’t balance these classes to make them more viable in raid settings without completely changing the game that people are expecting. There are plenty of places where meme specs are viable but introducing balance changes to make them viable is not what people want with classic.
i am not strictly against balance changes, the problem with them is someone is always going to be unhappy
do you go with light balance changes to make hybrids (and hunters) not complete trash but still not doing the damage of warriors/rogues/mages and locks?
do you go with heavy balance changes such that hybrids compete with pures?
or do you go full on retail?
I miss paladin group blessings and other abilities. /Sigh.
Feral is definitely more expensive to play in a raid then ret lol feral requires full mp5 consumables along with all melee consumables and if you have to tank for whatever reason you need those consumables to. You need major mana potions dark runes just as a ret does, the amount of consumables a feral needs with them along with farming non stop for Manuel crowd pummeler is sickening lol you need at least 2 charges of Manuel crowd pummeler per fight on progression sometimes even more then that.
Ret just needs the normal melee consumables along with a spellpower potion of course if you have a flask it will help greatly with mana issues but that’s the same case as a feral and power shifting.

The problem with introducing balancing changes is it starts a snowball effect and then where do you stop?
When they want to. Do you honestly think that if they wanted to put flying in, they would have to first make all these class balance changes first? No. It is their game, they could make all the weapons into sporks. They could make all dps but paladins bad. They could make it so that all the raids are just loot pinatas. Their game, we just play in it.

When they want to
The entire balance issue is player driven, not developer driven.
After playing this game from the very end of classic to now I can say atleast 90% of the changes from vanilla to the end of cata were all based of posts like
“we need more mobility”
“Why don’t I have an interupt”
“I can’t keep up with chain healing shamans”
“I’m great at but my ST sucks please fix”
And every single change has neutered the flavor abilities that made each class different.
My point is it doesn’t matter how much they balance the game, someones going to be unhappy.It’s easier and more cost effective to just leave it alone.

The entire balance issue is player driven, not developer driven.
Hmm maybe. I don’t think we need massive changes for any particular class. I do think paladins could use a taunt. That’s not really a “balance issue” as much as it is an entire talent tree support spell necessity.
Heck, even hunter pets have a taunt…
Exactly this, once one thing gets changed there’s going to be a next, they have said multiple times the worst thing they ever added in the game was arena. Could they take it out? Yes, will they? No.
Say they give rets crusader strike and they somehow get on par with rogues for dps, well now they have two options, nerf rets or buff rogues. Say they nerf crusader strike well hey now hunters are under ret paladins, a pure dps behind a hybrid. Well now we got to buff hunters. Oh no now hunters are outdamaging warlocks what do we do…
You get the point, let’s just leave it alone as it is.

Exactly this, once one thing gets changed there’s going to be a next, they have said multiple times the worst thing they ever added in the game was arena. Could they take it out? Yes, will they? No.
Say they give rets crusader strike and they somehow get on par with rogues for dps, well now they have two options, nerf rets or buff rogues. Say they nerf crusader strike well hey now hunters are under ret paladins, a pure dps behind a hybrid. Well now we got to buff hunters. Oh no now hunters are outdamaging warlocks what do we do…
You get the point, let’s just leave it alone as it is.
What if they add crusader strike and it puts them at 80% of what rogues do? What then?