Ret paladin viability

Since you resorted to achievement shaming I suppose that necessarily means you’re okay with it being done to you: what about you or your guild fits my definition of the modern day quintessential ACTUAL raid guild? I have no reason to believe you know what you’re talking about or doing as far as modern day wow, so when you say “nuh uh! I talked to my guild leader and he’s cool with it!” there is nothing to indicate that’s anything more than a typical modern day “raid” guild.

They achievement shame because you act like this big elite whose always at the forefront of everything and know everything. But your statements and achievements say otherwise.

The difference is, I never show boat. None of my achievements or raid history has been particularily spectactular and that includes modern wow. My shadowmourne, was maybe 10th or 11th on my server, Getting hand of adal twice wasn’t exactly rare, My HM kills throughout my gametime have been quite behind the curve but the difference between you and me, is I have the experience to back it up.The only thing I could actually boast about was my tribute to insanity that I had was week 2 or 3 of it being available but since it was 10 man I don’t showboat it. I’ve been in server top 3’s, I’ve been in server top 10’s and Ive been in filthy casual guilds but the re-occuring theme is I’ve spent more time playing than you have and have a much broader perspective.

Generally if I make a statement about something it’s coming from 14 years of consistantly being in a raid (normally in RL or officership position). And you have too limited a perspective about anything in your entire wowtime to be making statements about the raiding game.

It’s like some random guy showing up at a wine tasting and trying to tell someone who’s been tasting wine for years what they’re tasting.

read throught this topic, you will find its a consistent theme with all of his posts, he actually has effectively zero knowledge of classic or how paladin works in classic… hes just reciting things he hears on youtube without any actual knowledge of the game

I don’t want to say this but in some aspects akaidian is right.
Ret is a very limited spec in classic but this only holds true for the absolute best playing classic wow.

He’s just punching above his weight in his aims and goals and he’s missing the entire point of playing classic. Classic is to do things you didn’t do.Whether it’s hitting rank 14, Killing KT or raiding as a ret paladin this is what classic is for. There is no logical reason why you can’t achieve these goals and they’re not mutually exclusive.

I guess it’s a problem with being young, I’m over the constant pecker waving and just want to achieve the goals I set for myself.

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Yep. I’ve done the ego raiding thing, server firsts, disregarding friendships for gear or raid zen. Classic is all about enjoyment. There are going to be guilds that speed clear and focus on max bis with max consumes. But even if you are in one of those guilds, if you arent Rank 14, you’re casual. If you play a Hunter, you’re useless. Etc. Ret isn’t any different at the end of the day in those guilds. Which is why you find guilds who don’t care about parsing logs in a 14 year old game. The logs have been parsed. For the better of a decade on private servers. No one cares what kind of DPS Monkeynews does. No one watches Payo to see where he falls on the meter in AQ40. People damn sure watch Esfand because he’s fun and has passion.

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I’d say if you want to play Ret in a raid grind that Thorium Brotherhood rep and craft yourself a Nightfall and you’ll have a spot for everything.


Isn’t nightfall BoE? so why wouldn’t I have someone craft it. And go engineering for the extra utility?


It is BoE; I just think he meant it perhaps shows initiative and that you are doing your part to contribute to a raid. Don’t forget being an axesmith also gives you the opportunity to craft Annihilator and Arcanite Reaper, both which have their benefits in PvE and PvP.

I always went Mining/Herbalism and just stockpiled a lot of materials/gold, then paid for a Nightfall craft, pre-clearing BRD to do so. And for Sulfuras, I had to basically offer my soul to the guild hammersmith or pay a considerate fee to someone.

Once I had a bankroll I always went engineering though. I would agree that it’s invaluable in both PvE and PvP.

With how Blizzard is approaching Classic and progression on items and raids, it might behoove you to go engineering early and get repair bots built up, in addition to sappers and dragonling. Then just pay for crafts.

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I keep hearing about people saying you can’t play certain classes and the end game is going to be nothing but rogues, but this isn’t how it really was back in classic, you need a variety of specs to have a successful raid.

You want some ret paladins with improved retribution aura and sanctity aura to increase other peoples dps. Having at least 1 ret paladin in your 40-man raid will increase the overall dps more then having 1 more rogue.

If all you care about is topping your own damage meters then your not helping the raid as much as you think you are.

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While there are things that a Ret Paladin can bring to the table, Improved Retribution Aura has only a few very specific cases where it’s a good benefit which is limited pretty much to AoE tanking(especially when a Paladin is tanking).

Sanctity Aura also only increases Holy Damage, which is something typically only dealt by the Ret Paladin bringing it. The only other class even capable of it is Priests, and Smite spamming Priests isn’t something you’re likely to see.

The best things about a Ret Paladin is another Lay on Hands, Blessing of Protection, Aura, and Blessing if you haven’t covered them all yet.

Oh I agree, farming and buying it would be the best way if you’re min/maxing your raid spec and going eng.

Yeah, improved Ret aura never made much sense in the Ret tree, despite its name. Ret, built around single target dps, basically given an aoe talent :roll_eyes:.

Much like how improved thorns is in the Druid balance tree and is basically the same thing.

I think this, and consecration being 11 points in holy, was to force spread of talent points across different trees. If consecration healed it would have made more sense, but whatever.

The whole thing was weird, considering how most warriors didn’t even bother with a lot of their Prot tree, often going fury/prot, despite 99% of all tanking talents being in one tree.

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I was late into Naxx when I finally leveled up a warrior alt in vanilla and learned that there was such a thing as being ‘too tanky’ to the point where you didn’t generate enough rage to maintain threat. Made me realize why so many when fury/prot.

40 mans will be full of great players and good players and warm bodies. A good hybrid who knows their class, comes prepared, does not stand in the fire and shows up every time will trump the good and warm bodies.
You can raid and not hurt your guild… but you may have to prove you are worth the time first by being a healer, good guildy.


Raids don’t need “pure” set ups to be successful. Not now, when we all can learn how every raid boss and dungeon works with a YouTube video.

Do most raids even have a need for a “dps check”?

Ret Paladins are the Alpha and Omegas


The only real dps checks in vanilla were to avoid certain mechanics (i.e. adds on rag) but even those can be done with hybrids.

Also, a feral druids weapons is its form. So unlike everyone else, he/she wouldn’t take weapon damage would they?

I couldn’t tell you honestly. I didn’t play feral til later nor did I keep a lot of track of that stuff.