Ret Paladin PvP

You’re already better than 50% of Ret Paladins. Congratulations.

2200 /08/25/2018…, you’re so damn bad you don’t even have hotter streak LOL.

Site is jacked. 2200 was done in Season 4 of TBC. I don’t know what happened in 2018 for it to update, but I didnt’ do anything in 2018.

You never even cracked 2200 in 3v3 or even have hotter streak… you have 2009 arena achievments, and have a 2200 2v2 2018 achievment… you understand that kinda makes you look slow right?

Well this really derailed.

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Everything coming out of him is derailed. It’s him brainlessly scraping off a clearly broken system that can’t save your 12-14 year old achievements obviously and has them listed under timestamps that I wasn’t even subbed during.

the system is busted, this happened in season 4. Also its really dumb when things don’t reset properly mr retail level 32 priest.

Haha keep telling yourself that. You’re a trashcan who tried calling me out and it backfired hard on you, that’s what really happened. 2018 2v2 sad boy, tf you know about tbc man :joy: :joy:

k you are a troll.

Yes, and it has to be a tauren shaman. OR, well, you’re probably wasting your time.

And you’re an idiot who logged on to your retail mage just to show me your awful arena achievements. “But I got 2200 in s4 man” :joy::joy:

need a shammy to feed you windfury

Except that ret has the best slow in the game

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People tend to judge a comp by its gladiator capability. If you’re playing with your partner you likely aren’t planning to push hard into 2k+. If you are, ya it’ll be a struggle. Far from a meta comp.

However, if you just want to have fun mucking around 1500-1800 Ret Druid is fine. Ret dispel is always nice to have, along with freedom and bop you have lots of ways of saving your Druid friend. Ret utility makes them fun to play IMO.

It isn’t worth it. Honestly I don’t think ret paladins are truly good until shadowlands. I’ve played ret since vanilla and I can only remember one time in early wotlk where ret was considered good and not just okay.

Youll be behind everyone in PvE and PvP. Less skilled players will smash your face with superior classes in PvP. Youll having some shining moments, but those are too few and far between for it to be worth the time.

Absolutely playable, and quite fun. Mana burns hurt. Your burst damage and survivability can be quite high if you know what you’re doing.

alot of u are speaking from past rets TBC has changed and has made lots of changes to pallies… have u guys taken that into affect or are u guys still just thinking past ret pallies cuzx the 2 are totally diff now…

Most rets dont use there blessing of sac, blessing of freedom, for teamates and blessing of protection and dont use there super op dispell they have… also alot of rets forget to reapply blessings (which is huge dmg loss… ) after using a defensive blessing. Rets have a high skill cap and i think thats why most ppl are turned off by them but if u can play a ret right and help ur teamates and seal twist effectivley… omg u will have a blast with ret. and we only get better as the seasons go. if ur looking for a diff kind of melee ret is the way to go but remember ur not an in ur face class!! use ur slows use ur heals . find the right moments to do dmg. it takes practice ive been playing paladin since WoW came out. and ive always loved pally in PvP u can always make a class viable in arena just some class have more classes they can play with to get high rating. thats always gonna be the case. if u love paladin just play it.

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Ret won’t top meters. I was never buffed enough to be a pure damage class. However, they do put out some reasonable numbers, bring useful buffs and have lots of utility. The sweaties won’t like’em much, but anyone who’s just looking to have fun and clear content shouldn’t mind. In fact, I’d think at least a couple rets should be welcome in any raid.

Decent in BGs

Viable in arena in very specific comps:
Ret/Rsham for 2s
Ret/Arms/Rsham for 3s

Yeah bro good luck keeping them off your wife (in and out of game!)