Ret Paladin PvP

Seems like most people understand this, actually. At least here.

I was floating this possibility due to the way that CC stacking works. I still feel like Lock/X tears that apart with its spread damage, defensive dispels and synergy. But its probably I’m gonna be messing with anyway.

Lol yes buddy I did read, no need to repost what people have said.

Edit: You know what I was getting at no need to start being picky about details. I know you wow general thread posters always like to pick things apart just to be “right”

Always feels like I need to make a detail post about every minor detail to keep people like you at bay. Not here to go into every minor detail about wow. Just made a generalized statement. That yes enhc and pally have smaller comp options as in smaller than most other classes XD

Then another about how I’ve seen people play both classes for over a decade. Sorry but I very rarely see people play them right. Just cause we got people in the thread that understand this doesn’t mean everyone does. XD

Ret/Restokin was my favorite Druid comp to play. Did we win as often as Restokin/Rogue or Rdruid/Sl Lock? No. Those were more effective comps, particularly at higher ratings. But Ret/Restokin was so much more FUN. It essentially plays as a double DPS, but a far more durable one than Restokin/Rogue. When a Ret/Dreamstate druid don’t want to die, it’s really hard to kill them. All hail pillars and dispels.

Edit: Also, to the people claiming Ret damage is bad, it’s not really. At least not once they start getting gear. With a mixture of T5 and S3 my ret partner was legit critting 1600-2000 damage WHITE hits. We were seeing 2k crits on Crusader strike and 2-3k hammer of wraths. A couple 2000-2200 damage judgements with wings and on-use trinket. That’s on targets withy 20% resilience. Like, people only have 9-10k health. In three globals my Ret partner could put out 8k damage without a sweat and that doesn’t even count the huge pump I was contributing.

Ret damage with everything popped is actually lowkey nuts.

No, no. I get what you’re saying and you’re right. It’s obvious, but that doesn’t make it any less right. Hunters, Enhance, Elemental, and Ret Paladins have far fewer effective comp options that the meta classes of Mage, Warlock, Rogue and Priest. Furthermore, Ret is better than Enhance in 2vs2 but Enhance is better than Ret in 3vs3 (and definitely in 5vs5) as the impact of bloodlust and totems scales with larger team sizes. This makes Enhance and Ret have similar overall viability as they both have brackets they’re relatively weak in, and they’re not meta in any of them.

I’m not attacking you :slight_smile:

Sounds like a free win for comps that are not double dps. It’s a dirt comp man… i know good rets that tried it, it’s not viable, you said you played it on endless but i doubt you got even 2k with that. Any decent priest/x or shaman/x would farm that.

Oh I know that you’re not attacking me.

I Just think you’re being a standard


Or an insufferable know it all.

Trust me I run into a lot of people like this here. I just have fun with it.

Edit: Also I got nothing wrong with the information you’re telling people. I fact I think it’s great. I also have no issue with you in general. It’s just how I reply when people try and over explain what I put into a short version. Create your own post but keep me out of it. XD

I think we lost to every Disc / Frost mage but one. We couldn’t figure out how to deal with it. I didn’t have a response to the polymorphs and fears on the Ret and they usually just R1 blizzard for the 70% snare and spam mana burn the Ret to oom. Then it’s gg. Was a nightmare. But, hey, comps have counters. We did very well against Ret/Rshaman and Warrior/Rshaman. We beat most double DPS teams and we were surprisingly effective Rogue-Mage slayers. I think we had like a 61% win rate. Not bad. Good enough to climb. And the brackets will be MUCH softer in official TBC. Endless was a microcosm of absolute freaking sweatlords from the EU. At least here we get to queue against Pagle teams. PAGLE.

Also, as an edit, my arena partners for next month are a rogue, a warlock and a spriest so I’ll be playing Restokin/Rogue in 2s and Rdruid Shadowplay in 3s. I don’t know any awesome Rets on official WoW, especially on my server. The dream is sort of dead before it starts.

Ret/Mage is very solid. A twist into a shatter combo will end games instantly, and they get 30 second CC chains while waiting for setup.

LOl the 1 healer/dps team you should beat is probably priest/mage… the ret isn’t sitting in novas, and the druid is not sitting in full fears(cleanse) or poly’s. Any sham/warr that loses to that comp is a damn joke. I agree Endless is super sweaty, but you get a gouge on what will be during the meta in tbc classic.

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If you enjoy most of your damage being heavily reliant on RNG, and also having your major cooldowns like Wings/Bubble spell-stealed and mass-dispelled, then sure, go for it.

The Endless Disc/Mages were all content playing 10+min mana games. It was zzzZZZzzz. I’m excited to see if the retail meta strongly deviates from the pserver meta. In Classic it did NOT. The pserver speedrun meta was copied verbatim in Classic raids and the pserver premade WSG meta was copied verbatim for ranking. Like literally reading out of the textbook. People seem to think TBC will deviate from the long-established pserver PvP and raid meta but the only evidence we have, in Classic, says otherwise.

3 weeks and we’ll know! I’m hyped af.

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Nobody level 32 retail priest regurgitates toxicity based on a meta and game field they’ve never actually participated in and know nothing about.

This is the thing that a lot of people don’t understand.

Wins against basically anything that doesn’t have a lock or a max resilience druid in it. Should be super solid season 1.

Rets have freedom and a ton of trash as dispel protection and defensive dispels…but this isn’t why the priest/mage win.

The ret gets mana burned and the team doesn’t have the damage output. This isn’t WotLK when the ret gets to basically recycle mana forever.

I swear your entire responses are nothing more than theorycrafting what you probably heard on a 10+ minute clickbait YT video.

Season 1 will have a lot of mages and priests, but season 3 and 4 will definitely have a lot more druids, locks and warriors.

Nobody garbage mage who didn’t bother looking at my arena achievements, giving his poverty opinion… more news at 11! you’re garbage… regardless of the meta, we can guarantee you will under perform.

I was expecting at least gladiator achievements here, where are they? Meanwhile your only progress was made in a bloated arena era where you still never got the gladiator title.

Regarding original TBC I got 2200+ running ret/mage. So I actually have experience in the thing I’m talking about.

I guess you are just gonna tell me about how everyone in all brackets of TBC were really bad back then, blah blah blah blah.

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Whoa whoa whoa, to get back on track, I’m mostly just concerned with being relevant enough to where I won’t lose every si hole game and be able to enjoy the spec. I’m definitely not expecting to hit gladiator or anything.

Honesty even winning isn’t that big of a deal. I can be content with losing if the matchup was fun and exciting. The only real issue that would turn me off is if I’m getting completely stomped every single matchup.


edits 10 char

I was too busy selling rating for gold and hopping… you must be dumb as hell if you think that anyone can get 2700 without being solid at this game. Just looking at your achievements… you got 2200 in 2018!! LMAO! What in the world would you know about tbc?

not in 2018, I didn’t play in 2018. In fact after WotLK I didnt’ play at all.

I’ve more or less answered your question, I think. Ret has a handful of viable 2vs2 comps and one meta comp. Ret has zero meta 3vs3 comps but you can still make some things work, especially if you’re happy with a middling rating (1500-2000). 5vs5 is the Wild West of TBC. Anything goes. Make sure you have a bloodlust and a priority target and go have fun. Ret is also fine in BGs as long as you appreciate you’re a support hybrid that can occasionally delete a flag carrier.

Yup, I think I’ve settled on the fact that I will enjoy Ret in TBC. I like the idea of playing more than just a tunnel visioning murder machine.