Ret Paladin is nearly everything I want in a Class. So why was I not playing it more?

I love the lore and theming of Paladins. I just find the gameplay dull. Especially for ret. I gravitate to warrior every time for my melee fix. The sound effects do it for me. Everything warrior does is impactful. Visceral. It all sounds like it hurts. It’s got oomph.

Paladin melee is all chimes and bells. Sounds like someone tripped in the orcestra pit.

Ret Paladin is awesome!
Now if we just open it up to
all races!
I mean why on Earth would a Tauren
be a Ret Pally but not a NightElf.


You’re talking about a snapshot in time. I’m talking about a long, slow change in DPS rotations from what they used to be. Many classes continue to get more and more complex, while the ones I mentioned are much more flat.

Lol this is how i ended up a shaman. I refuse to play a popular class, let alone a top 3 class.

maybe it’s a wariness of being labeled as a FOTM meta-hopper person(which usually has a negative connotation attached to it, when people say that, they aren’t complimenting you) when you really just legitimately enjoy the class?

that’s what I’ve settled on it being for me. i just have to say eff it and play what I want going forward, cause I’ve been wasting a lot of time jumping from alt to alt and never being COMPLETELY satisfied with the classes, while avoiding the class that I really like. it’s very unproductive.

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In my head i think im still planning to go back to dungeons. And i never want to be the second or third of something. So i try to play low pop classes to avoid that.

Bro, I can tell you from experience how many times a Paladin has BoP’d the tank and wiped the party.

Tbh at least they’re using it. An alarming number of people don’t even put these abilities on their bars. Any utility, really.

Even in M+.

I can understand wanting originality, but with only so many classes, that’s kind of not a real thing. Consider the wide breadth of Paladin toons out there as a brotherhood of sorts, rather than thousands of glowing buttheads vying for Main Character status!

my guess is you were on a different character?

now, as I said. I love Retribution Pally.

but after putzing around with Protection for a little bit…I felt the urge to undelete my Demon Hunter. so I did so.

wondering how DH tank compares to Paladin in terms of fun, survivability, and ease of use. It’s definitely got the cool factor.


My pally is my fav toon but I quit playing The War Within cuz as soon as I begin to invest in my paladin they will nerf it. They legit nerf a ret for doing too much damage while it maxes out at B- tier and will nerf it to go two tiers down and then will buff another class that is already in A tier.

I was initially excited about Ret in TWW but after leveling to 80 I started to miss the melee class aspect. Most of the abilities are instant spells with a bit of range. Definitely a piano key rotation to build holy power and then unleash it. Felt too much like a mage to me.

I love ret, but this is my problem with it. If you look at mythic logs there’s 2x ret compared to the second spec. If you had any interest in mythic raiding it would be an uphill battle.

You look in group finder there’s rets everywhere. Another uphill battle.

It is what it is. It’s good, it’s fun, its fantasy is sick. There’s a billion of them.

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Ret Paladin is like playing Warrior if you could get Warrior abilities to hit more than half the time… that mid range makes a massive difference in fun factor.

Absolutely. Competition is fierce when applying to keys. All you see is a sea of pink.

This is why I run my own keys.

Fully agree and I am not being bias or anything

I main Ret (I have four I currently play) and the only other class/spec combo I play is beast mastery hunter.

On the other hand, I have four Ret paladins because I roleplay, two of them are the same character (Arathi, and I felt more elven-blooded than most, so I first rolled him as a BE model) but basically 3 Paladin characters each with their own story.