Ret Paladin is nearly everything I want in a Class. So why was I not playing it more?

Paladin has been one of, if not the most popular class in WoW since Vanilla. The Warcraft lore is built off the back of Paladin lore, and it’s such a core tenant of Warcraft that most people play the class to some extent. The recent revamps brought the class from 2010 to current standards, making it one of the most fun to play as well.


I don’t know why. they’ve been around since vanilla and they’ve been one of the number one classes for decades. yet somehow you still chose a dragon.

Dragons are cool, that’s how.

If I could be a Dragon Paladin, I would. :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug: :dracthyr_shrug:


we needed a different kind of dragon in this game and the devs let us down.

I’ve never looked at it like that, but you’re absolutely right. Paladins have been an integral part of Warcraft’s stories since even back in the RTS days.

The Pixar werewolf complaining about Dracthyr is an irony not lost on me.


pls make range hpal great again all i ask

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This is my 100% biggest qualm with my paladin. If i was using a slim sword, sure, but majority of these swords in game are heckin CHONK, so it looks…weird.

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Paladins are awesome I don’t have much worthy to add but I like the class so much I had to endorse them.

I play them in bg3 and ttrpg D&D games also even though those versions vary from the wow interpretation of them. Magic warrior with a code gotta love them.

As to everyone playing them yep you see them all over but that’s because they are great. Btw you know anti- paladin perps will crash this thread…stay strong. Do not give into their heretical nonsense.


i feel similarly, but in my case, it also has to do with lack of paladins having anything that feels unique to them. i mean, i used to put blessings of wisdom and might on myself (or was it blessing of kings? i don’t remember) and now… nothing.

oh wow… we have auras… that feel the same as warrior stances… wow…

plus, we are’nt exactly fighting an interesting enemy right now, so playing my paladin feels kinda pointless. what, i’m supposed to go full-tilt faith-fueled-fury on a bunch of bugs? i mean, c’mon…

we went from fighting undead abominations and space demons to… this. granted, the human void-cult’s kinda interesting, but they’re more of a sidenote than anything big.

All I want is Forsaken Pally and I’ll switch over.

  • Holy Paladin: fun
  • Ret Paladin: fun
  • Prot Paladin: boring but eh

Gimme that Undead and I’ll go Healing or DPS paladin for lyfe. Until then it’s Monk.

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I’m not a huge fan of the holy power mechanic, to be honest.

It’s strange. Back in the day, when I was a little ret paladin, prior to WOTLK making ret paladins really good, I dreamed of ret being the powerful holy warrior it deserved to be.

But now, with ret paladin being basically the protagonist class with insane utility and top tier damage, I just don’t really play it that much.

Funny thing is that most paladins you play with completely ignore their utility.

Doing m+ and I can count on my one hand the number of times a ret paladin has used BoP/BoS, freedom, sac, etc on someone other than themselves.

Rarely do I see a LoH used to save a DPS.


You and me both. LOL

I actually like the playstyle of Destro Lock and consider it to be a better version of Mage. :grin:

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With the new class tree, we can auto-Sac and heal others.


FTFY Mr./Ms. generic holy warrior trope

worries about what everyone is playing

rolls a BElf

Come on dawg.


Can’t be an Orc Pally. Yrel hasn’t come back to spread the word of the Light throughout the entirety of the Horde yet!

Mount up, paladins. Tonight we ride.