Ret paladin is bad

in tbc too


Its perfectly playable in both Vanilla and TBC. The only thing wrong with it is toxic players trying to tell other people how they can play the game.


the game is also “playable” if you click all of your spells
ret pallies are playable but you would benefit vastly more from literally anything else


Ret paladins with the new seals, gear and access to WF are pretty dope in TBC my dude.

Having said that, I love vanilla ret paladins, as horde, in BG’s…


This is unironically wrong though. Ret in TBC, especially BElf Ret, is one of the top 2 melee specs just because of how it scales, both on it’s own and with other melee-provided buffs(+4% dmg dealt from Blood Frenzy(Arms), +10% AP from Unleashed Rage (Enhance), +5% crit at all times (Feral), Windfury + SoE (Enhancement)… and then Ret’s +3% crit with JotC for everyone, +2% damage with Sanctity at all times, maintaining Light/Wis/Crusader by themselves) Depending on gear availability and tier, it trades back and forth with Enhancement for the #1 spot.


But #1 in our hearts.


It’s ok guys, somebody just lost a roll on something they wanted to a holy pally who plans on respeccing. Nothing to see here.


Not if what you enjoy is fun and ret is what you find fun. Then it’s better than anything else.


Excluding you will likely not raid without one because that crit buff is godly because its raid wide. Legit no one is gonna pass on 3% crit all the time. Not only that, but Sanc Aura is +2% more damage flat out, its kinda nuts.

Most raid teams will include a Ret paladin for those two valuable buffs


The problem lies with what you mean by benefit. If you mean more DPS okay, but there’s way more to the game than how much DPS you do.

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Replace a ret with a holy pally and you gain more
Idc what people play but the reality is they are omega replaceable in every facet imaginable.


I disagree ma’am

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i did ret paladin in mc the other day… no world buffs clicking all my buttons the right way i can ~221 dps on rag. full enchanted tier 2 with herald of woe, master dragonslayer’s ring, nef head neckace… i was dead weight. yeah my character was swinging but there were warriors and mages doing 2.5x the dps as me and it made me realize any paladin in classic that doesnt go holy is trying to prove something


A lot of people will see a reason to bring along a buffadin who’s willing to swap to holy or prot when needed.

Actually, it’s the damage output and mana issues. At least in TBC it’s actually worth bringing because of the 3% crit debuff and Judgement refreshing, though.

Not a chance, man.


I mean when you go from being complete garbage to the point that nobody will even take you as the 40th choice to being brought along as a token buff that makes it seem pretty big.


An empty raid spot is vastly more valuable than a ret pally in Classic. The empty spot does only ~200 less DPS but takes absolutely no gear away from legitimate specs.

If an empty spot is more playable than your meme spec, is your meme spec playable?


I get what you’re saying, but no. Ret does nothing in raids.

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Totally agree.
Ret is garbage.

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May I ask what your hit and crit rating were, approximately?

Note: I’m not disagreeing that Ret is dead weight in raids, but I am curious. Humor me? The reason I ask is that…

  • T2 is not really itemized for Ret PvE
  • Herald of Woe is too fast
  • Without the 5% crit from Rallying Cry… :man_shrugging:

To prove something? No, probably not. (There is nothing to prove!) To have fun as best they can? Probably.