Ret Paladin is affecting other class/player experience badly ! needs a big nerf ASAP!

Maybe go and make a stink on how OP enhancement is right now.

Ret is comfortably near the middle.

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If they are so good as you say they are how come they aren’t meta in MDI?


It’s well-balanced in terms of DPS.

It’s sitting around the 50th-75% percentile for both ST and AOE fights.

But yes, balancing classes should not be based on ease of play or clunkiness of the spec.

Blizz just has to design other classes and or spec well.

Ok… i was just in m+ 9 with a pug group. The healer and the other 2 DPS died on the last boss at 50%. The blood Dk and my ret still killed it due to rets UTILITY and ability to throw bomb off heals to get the DK though the tank busters and keeping his feet free on the roots.

An unholy DK cannot do that, by hunter which has better gear cannot do that.

Also is you are decent at unholy you can out DPS a ret on fights that last over 30 seconds.

That’s not the point.
That’s a different discussion.

Ret can’t bring a mob 30yd away to him, he can’t ignore magic effects once every 45 sec. etc

Ret can’t feign death and negate targeting of unstoppable abilities.

Classes do different things.

DPS do similar damage regardless of those different things they do because each spec has to be a legitimate contender in its ROLE to accomplish “hardest content” blizzard monitors.

Which would be the raid in heroic and mythic for sure and M+10s (I don’t remember when exactly but basically they make sure to loosely tune specs for M+ so that they can all have a legitimate shot at doing 20s, now 10s, and getting the portals).

you playing with bads on a 9 doesnt mean anything

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That’s been normal for ret since ages past.
It’s actually harder now than in the past due to mana regen nerfs last expac.

Ret can’t sustain healing solo for long, what matters more is what tank was in the tough spot, blood dk is the best to self-heal from what i know, and the gear involved from both in terms of healing.

If you are decent at unholy you can outdps ret on fights that are below 30 seconds, since Unholy has more powerful cooldowns than ret to spend.

i beg to differ the rotation before any serious dmg output would consist of the following:

  1. Blade of Justice → 2. Judgment → 3.Executin Sentence → 4. Wake of Ashes → 5. Hammer of Light → 6. Spam Divine Storm → generate spend holy power on either AOE/ST

P.S. Higher keys Unholy has huge potential i see what your doing -_- i know unholy coming up but will be short lived.


Post like these makes one wish for the option to downvote….


I hate the idea rets has to waste so much hp to do damage…

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I step away from the forums for a few days and upon my return I find that you have all disappointed me. The OP is complaining about what ret does to an unholy DK, and yet not one of you (unless I missed it?) pointed out that OP is one button push away from being frost. Frost is just evil ret.

What do you think happens when a frost DK is paired with backloaded specs like shadow or affliction in content where mobs die quickly? Same thing. Backloaded specs have always performed poorly in content where stuff dies quickly.

OP, there are two very simple solutions to your problem and neither of them involve nerfing a different class to protect your fragile ego. You can either respec into frost, or you can move on to content where mobs live long enough for unholy to work. Your choice.


(Sits back with popcorn in hand)

:rofl: :sweat_smile: :grin:


Poor rotation I can tell u that.

Uh dk is alot easier to inflate your details epeen.

spec difficulty shouldnt effect spec balancing