RET paladin dilemma

I find healing to be straight up boring and you’d have to pay me to do it. This is coming from someone who is fine with spamming fb/sb in a raid because it means i get to collect gear that helps me dab on on people in pvp. Cant exactly heal someone to death in a warsong ey.

My advice is stay ret and just pvp. Raids im vanilla are overrated past the prospect of getting gear, which is why i see people stop raiding when they get what they want. Cant blame them honestly.

Most specs are one button specs, particularly in MC where nothing really matters. Most of our priests go all of MC with nothing more than flash heal.
Mages are frostbolt
Shams are chain heal… etc etc

Two buttons is too complicated for you to adapt? Damn. You are beyond any advice.

Tier 1 3pc is pretty good for that. But with how fast bosses die you can get away with just a few rejuvs from your Druid running imp rejuv and maybe a renew from your priests.

I also noticed that judged light heals aren’t accounted for in parses, so I just went back to spamming Flash of Light on the tanks. I don’t always parse but it made using 3pc useless compared to the bonus healing you get from other prebis pieces.

[quote=“Kahluah-herod, post:77, topic:408520, full:true”]It’s not like other healers are much more complicated. As Shaman you pretty much play like a holy paladin and if there’s a lot of melee raid damage you switch to spamming chain heal. Big whoop.

What makes a good healer is focus and target selection. And reflexes even. I don’t notice that shaman is much more complicated than holy. Just weaker.

Having played a Shaman as well I can understand that. Your utility is even better than a Paladin overall. You may not have a 1 button cleanse for magic and disease and such, but your entire toolkit is great.

I felt like from a PvE standpoint, my Shaman was much better healing than my Paladin once he was Naxx-geared.

But from Tier 1 to Tier 3, my Paladin was better, and had a lot more survivability. Tier 3 Cleanse bonus with that Libram for cleanse is just broken. Spending 50 mana to dispel/cleanse and heal for like 300 or whatever it is… is beyond broken. Instant casts and you just run around with like 7000hp and 6000mana with a shield and like 6500 armor. Literally can’t die it feels like.

[quote=“Deucebìgalow-nagrand, post:81, topic:408520”]I find healing to be straight up boring and you’d have to pay me to do it. This is coming from someone who is fine with spamming fb/sb in a raid because it means i get to collect gear that helps me dab on on people in pvp. Cant exactly heal someone to death in a warsong ey.

Yeah I feel the same way. But it’s fun when you’re healing an uber geared Warrior and Hunter controlling mid in WSG. Targets die so fast and you collect so much honor.

It’s even easier in AV. Sit behind a ton of randoms with a Noggenfogger so no one can see you in full tier and 3pc R12 gear and set your chicken feeder to hit the bound key for Flash of Light while watching The Witcher.

Ret was trash 15 years ago and is trash still… the sooner you learn this the better. Re-spec holy and even knowing nothing, you’ll do better than trying to do dmg as ret.


Just get the healing gear and stay 20/0/31(pointless to be ret whitout repetance) make sure to get illumination talent.
Have two/three ranks of flash of light and two ranks of holy light(whch you will barely use in pve).
Holy shock isn’t needed at all.

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You should already know how to play holy if you went all the way up to lvl 52 as ret (or prot). In vanilla, your toolkit change is minimal when changing specs. Unless it’s about downranking details.

Shut up. :violin:

Gee, wonder why blues rarely post here.


2 spells more than ret rotation. i know its scarey

Alternatively, you can save up gold/mats and buy/make Nightfall when its available in p3. VOILA your guildies wont dare have you go holy now.

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We talking about mages now?

Learn to play holy, or get used to not being wanted in groups.

Really, why because I want to play the class and spec the way I want since you know I pay for it not those in my guild? And they gilded him as ret, so who are they to tell him to respec!


you’re an awesome teammate, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

Has nothing to do with teamating, has everything to do with who pays the subscription. When the guild who guilded me as ret, tells me I need to go holy, once they pick up my bill, I respec.

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Yes it does…You wanted to be part of the gruop

You do it, or you’re gone and we find some one who understand the class they’re playing.

Clearly you’re replaceable, you’re a terrible ret paladin lol

No1 is gonnna pay you because you dont’ like the meta spec. People might pay you to go prot or something…But go meta? lol

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No it doesnt are you really that silly, you take some in as 1 spec the months later you tell them to respec to what you want, no unless your paying my bill who are you to tell me what I can play or how I play it.

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Also you don’t know me or my dps output or my utility so your just some random trying to tell others how to play, I refuse to converse with the unlearned so im done with you

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I really don’t understand how someone can say hpal is boring while ret is not lol.

ret is literally an auto attack class.

hpal in raids is boring. But it is a lot more interesting in PVP and dungeons. You can save the worst circumstances with smart plays. In raids, rank 4 FoL and Divine Favor max rank holy light is pretty much all I do. lol