Ret Paladin Deserves Slight Buff

He seems like the type of person who will take your advice as meaning he should bubble the tank and cause it to lose all aggro and then the raid wipes. I had a pally bubble me when I was tanking. That was a disaster.

The # of rets who never BoP, use salv, use cleanse, etc is insanely high.

Stop sucking at your class before you try to buff it tbh


Being able to cleanse, stun, bubble, manage threat, res, all really good utility that are handy to have a a raid. The raid buffs are nice too, but there’s a lot of baked in utility that make Pallies unique and good to have multiples of in a raid.

Good Pallies aren’t zugzug pumpers, but they’ll always have a raid spot.

oh nice, the pro beefy tell us how to use utility in a faceroll raid like naxxa
my friend the problem here is the damage output, i dont know if you are trolling or…
the problem here is do adjust the gap with other dps and not to be #1 in recount. If you dont understand that you have another problem, and its outside WoW.

lmao nice thread. But no.

If you’re not using the buttons now, you won’t use the buttons when they’re more important.

Stop sucking I dunno what to tell you brah

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the problem here is to adjust dps gap with middle of the pack and not to be #1 in recount. If you dont understand that you have another problem and it is outside WoW

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There is no problem here bud.

Thanks for playing!

don’t forget buffing as well. Half the rets i meet dont speak english and never buff the raid correctly. Shadow priest? oh here take this blessing of might.

Yeah the average ret player is pretty embarrassing.

What a shame it’s a cool spec.

and my friend , there is a tuning problem with the no presence of t10 proc, a core part of our dps in icc.
the gap in terms of output is so high compared old wotlk, i repeat if you dont understand that you have another problems

You DPS cry all day and night and weekends and then on Monday because you can’t get a group.

Seriously grow up.

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You not being middle of the pack is fine.

Someone has to be at the bottom. Sorry that happens to be you bud!

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if anything, ret needs to be nerfed. there are way too many of them

And? Almost every class has support role abilities at this point.

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Can you tell me which other DPS classes have Hand of Protection, Hand of Salvation, Aura Mastery, Hand of Freedom, Lay on Hands, and Cleanse?

Saying that the class has bad players so it deserves it so ridiculous. I could say the same thing for every class but it’s irrelevant anyway.

Having utility that’s entirely unneeded unless your raid is awful is not a reason for a DPS spec to be totally gimped

All druids get battle rez and yet look at them

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Nothing in Naxx is needed.

You don’t need a lust, you barely need healers.

What exactly is your point?

If you don’t use the buttons now, you won’t do it when you need to.

I can’t believe you actually think this. Your anecdotal experience about whether you think enough people use their utility in raids is completely irrelevant.


Dunno I have some pretty good experience brah.