Ret lost the most in awc today, cancel the ret nerfs. nerf demo and fmage instead

Wrong on all fronts. Granted this isnt coming from someome who pvps but even me and my ret main friend realize the nerfs were stupid and unjustified.

People were calling for ret nerfs and what a surprise, AWC some of the HIGHEST level players can figure out how to kill a ret pally after only a week of running into them, fancy that surprise!!!

Its almost like ret paladin hasnt been anything but a free kill for literal years and hasnt garnered much attention but SUDDENLY when you yahoo’s complain about the under dog being put on equal footing its “sound the bells and whistles boys! Our free kill isnt a free kill anymore!”

As far as Spriest and ele sham go, theyve always been bad in pvp, the only spec thats an unkillable monstrosity unless 4 people with burst gang pile on top of it is disc priest so youre not selling any logical person that we have to put shadow up there along with it.


I see.

To…judgements of the pure? And just in general? The spec is still probably too strong.

Oh, okay.

If im able to figure out how to beat my ret pally buddy im sure you lot are MORE than capable of doing it.

Like I said the spec as a whole was pretty crap for literal years and needed help, it got it and lo and behold the witch hunts began because people wanted their free kill class back and it isnt going that way anymore

I thought you didn’t PVP. :dracthyr_love_animated: Anyways, Ret is strong and will likely receive more deserved nerfs, although probably not before the season comes to a close.

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I mean I dont do bgs or arenas but im also not a complete fool to be a complete hypocrite like you are and say “the classes need balancing” on one hand and then go “ret deserves more nerfs!” On the other

I swear blizzard should impliment giving every person like you who says “ret paladin deserves more nerfs” a personal undispellable 1 month rez sickness debuff on your entire account and roster of characters. Before we even so much as touch ret why not nerf the characters you play for a bit and see if the ret nerfs are justified? Im hearing warrior is overdue for a few nerfs themselves



The spec deserves more nerfs.


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No it doesnt as displayed by the awc tournament thingy, whatever it is. If they were as “omg so busted” they would have taken and won the entire thing but they didnt.

You dont ever EVER make a harsh or rash decision from a place of emotion, which is what you are doing with a bit of prejudice thrown in for good measure.

Ret/BM won 4-0 in the finals, no? Granted tournament play isn’t always the best thing to go off.

It’s okay, there’s nothing wrong with playing something because it’s overpowered. I hope that your buddy is having a blast. :dracthyr_heart:

Being able to not have to wait for 3 hours to get into a 22 mythic key is pretty good yes.

But also you play warrior, i could spot and defend against their burst setup from a mile away seeing as its the most telegraphed thing in the game. Heres how you do it.

Spell reflect their only means of CC hammer of justice, shattering throw bubble, dont worry about blinding light seeing as holy damage NOW BREAKS IT. Dead paladin

Yeah, that’s how it usually plays out. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

Feel free to check out the Solo Shuffle leaderboards. Ret is no more successful than Havoc, Enhance, Unholy, Balance, Frost Mage, Arcane, BM, Demo, Destro…

Between AWC and Solo Shuffle results, I think it’s pretty clear that you guys have been blowing this whole thing out of proportion. The spec definitely needed to be toned down after the initial release of the rework, but this last batch of nerfs were not needed, just pushed through to dry the tears of the masses.

Yea they lost the most cause there was basically nothing but ret teams :rofl: