(not counting mirrors)
L 01:12:19 assass, demo, evoker beat ret, war, fist
L 03:58:29 demo, fmage, mw beat ret, war, rsham
W 04:32:26 ret, bm, rsham beat demo, fmage, mw
L 04:51:07 demo, fmage, mw beat ret, bm, rsham
(not counting mirrors)
L 01:12:19 assass, demo, evoker beat ret, war, fist
L 03:58:29 demo, fmage, mw beat ret, war, rsham
W 04:32:26 ret, bm, rsham beat demo, fmage, mw
L 04:51:07 demo, fmage, mw beat ret, bm, rsham
Say it ain’t so.
this is fake news.
Likely an issue of them not being ret pally mains.
AWC is completely different from ladder. It is the same reason DK got gutted when it was mid af in tournaments, they cant balance around AWC too much or else the game will be more dead than it already is.
mmmmm no
Yummy <3 <3
Breaking News: One Comp Beats Ret Warrior, Local Ret Paladins in Shambles
Yeah. A class should be in a state that when it loses a game people make a post about it. Ret should never lose a game, right? Ret -dominated- EU.
Marksman didn’t win a single round today, buff marksman.
Marks is bugged can’t be played. Otherwise jelly would smoke wealthy on marks
Like my High Rated Pink player once said
this is a skill issue
but yeah this really highlights how FW , Druid are the classes that need buffs
dat wizard comp countered almost everything btw, not just rets. that sounds balanced.
Demo is overtuned and is getting nerfed on Tuesday alongside ret.
Nerf is only to isolated legion strikes, though, isn’t it?
Yep, but it applies to both regular pet and Grimoire. The isolated strikes are part of what makes it so difficult to recover Demo damage.
You effectively either take more damage when running away or cleave MS to your team.
Nerf demo and f mage too.
Mages are too evasive when you couple all their cc and mobility. Knockback/roots should be nerfed. No need to make them more vulnerable to hunters.
Was MM banned for the tourney? Whats the bug?
Erm, actually
Inb4 I am somehow misunderstanding it