Ret lost the most in awc today, cancel the ret nerfs. nerf demo and fmage instead

Why does everybody except me have like five accounts? For what purpose? :dracthyr_a1:


sounds like a you problem. keep whining though…

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Been playing since WOTLK, forgot info to an account when I went on a long hiatus, other one got stolen and I was banned on one ( being super toxic). This is my most recent account which is why my toons now r fresh DF toons.


This is a little weird considering how good they are about returning lost or yoinked accounts. I had a buddy quit for like 7 years or something and come back to an account loaded with gold and TCG.

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Didn’t know how to back than I’m young. Only reason I stopped playing then was cause my mom stopped paying for it lmao.

The classic it’s on my other account bro.

You can get it back with just email


You are missing my point, i’m not questioning if Blizz is balancing arounf AWC or not, i’m just calling out the hypocrisy of the pvp community, where data are only valid when it fits their narrative.


Rets can’t win an AWC even when they are the meta? Maybe LG can do it.

Im all for lock nerfs … Not big ones but twaek it a bit.

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So? Even if the same dozen people who made pvp in this game their primary life goal aren’t winning with a spec, doesn’t mean its not making the game miserable for the rest of us lol.


Nerf ret but also nerf demo/frost mage. Idk how these two dodge nerfs.

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Lmao what?

Curiously the only non-ret comp I’ve seen in recent weeks.

I’m not sure what you’re confused about. Thread is literally about frost mage and demo lock.

Yeh demo enables the comp not the frost mage. Weird to imply the spec needs nerfs

Frost mage deserves to die too. Idk if they are still glacial spiking for 200k+ but I presume so.

Either way, frost mage can go away forever.

Theyre not

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Nah, glacial got nuked and frost bolt got buffed.

Oh? Shows how much I play.

Either way I hate frost mage.

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Well, they can’t successfully implement a re-work either LOL

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