Ret is still dominating ranked pvp

Coming from someone who almost exclusively plays with rets (or ferals) in 3s for the last decade or so - ret is still completely ruining the arena meta. Regular arenas are still nothing but ret/x/fistweaver or rsham. Shuffle feels unplayable as anything but ret/fistweaver/rsham and arms/hunter/demo warlock. Even then, the game is still only fun for the ret. You are still always at a significant disadvantage if there is only one ret in the shuffle lobby. More has to be done faster because the season is ending soon.


In b4 some clown ret player comes in to explain why they should be OP.


Things to be addressed:

  • Judgements of the pure still makes ret passively immune to things that need to apply or upkeep any kind of magic or poison debuff to function because of how often it now gets to use judgement.
  • The combination of passive healing from various damaging abilities/talents, ability to now use SoV and DP at the same time, and instant 6s big flash is a better defensive kit by itself than many classes. This is on top of the already existing paladin buttons like bubble, loh, wog, etc.
  • One minute CD blessing of sacrifice has become its own issue, now that ret is pragmatically immortal against everything except other rets. It’s passive kit is such that the ret doesn’t become proportionately vulnerable when it uses it’s damage share utility.

The issue in PvE and PvP pre-rework was durability outside of bubble. This was compounded by the prevalence of disc and shadow priest at various points in the season. I believe the changes in PvE are well-received and fine, and that meta is considerably less impacted when a dps spec overperforms because it is too durable. They’ve basically given ret an entire class’s defensive kit on top of the regular paladin kit. Two significant tunes have happened and it has not realistically impacted the spec since the rework. It is clear that it is not just one particular spell or ability making it so oppressive.

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I think ret would be slightly more manageable if they removed bubble from it and made it just a Holy thing. atm they have the survivability buffs that rets have been asking for, for a long time. There’s no need for them to have 8 sec invulnerability, even if it can be dispelled by 2 classes.

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This is why we-

Damn it !


With the AWC this weekend, I hope that every team has a ret. It’s gonna be so stupid it’s gonna be hilarious.


Let the QQ flow :rofl:

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Here’s my question, just as a viewer. How’s RMP going to do against it? I’m honestly interested to see if RMP or the weird ele sham comps we saw last AWC handle it decently.

Shall we try and come up with a change that only effects PvP and not PvE for all paladin specs? Bubble taunt is a thing for prots, and in PvE that immunity is handy at times.

Just as a thought, give bubble the same treatment that lust gets, I.E. it can’t be used in ranked PvP.

Ele and RMP both just get deleted into ret cleaves.

Enhancement can’t lust in arenas anymore?! Since when?!

Doesn’t sound like there’s a lot of interesting variance to group composition right now then, if that’s the case… Hmm.

Eh, let them have their moment.

We all know how this works. Eventually bliz will knock them off the pedestal and put some other class up there.

You will see double ret, ret hunter, ret warrior, and ret demo. Mix and match fistweaver and rsham.

Good. Let them have a few patches.

At some point, not sure if it is still true, certain CDs, like lust, were unable to be used in ranked PvP. These CDs were often the longer ones or ones that provided the team with them an edge if the other team did not have them.

Maybe the best way to deal with specs being over powered due to CDs like bubble, is to make those CDs unable to be used in ranked PvP.

Shamanism the pvp talent let you lust. I could’ve sworn it was still in

Less impacted, sure. Fine, no.

Durability of DPS directly effects how high you can push keys and if it wasn’t 4 weeks from the end of the season with Prot Paladins in a strong place, virtually every M+ team would be running an unkillable Ret DPS given it also happens to be among the best at damage. If resto shamans had taken off sooner we’d probably already see Enhance getting dropped from Prot War teams to make room for Ret.

You mean the one that:

  1. gives lust a 1 min CD
  2. only provides 20% haste for 10 seconds and
  3. makes it uneffected by sated/exaustion/etc

It is still in, but I was going after the base when you were using a talent, which some may not have.

Ret pally changes for 10.1.5:

  • Ret paladins can no longer cast abilities while moving or inside bubble, but while they move, all damage is reduced by 95%.
  • Once they stop moving, damage taken is returned to normal and all damage dealing abilities are increased by 150%.

If I ever catch you, the Light’s going to forge you a new one.”

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