Ret is still broken and needs nerfs

dh was a solo shuffler stomper than was easily counterable with stuns and cc’s. forums were lighting dh up like theyre doing to ret rn.

i am aware, just bg and random bgs are jus the bare minimum of pvp and shouldn’t be used as a tool to see what spec needs tuning or not.

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Honestly the nerfs I have not really felt them to say they neutered the spec now the survivability as a whole did go down but if u run around with a healer it’s not making me dump the class i wish it didn’t take such a big hit because we r very susceptible to just melting under pressure and with no mobility other than horse and freedom it’s a very frustrating experience but ehh can’t have it all, I did hear that their overall goal is to tone down burst as a whole so we’ll see how that works out my 2 cents

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Ret wasn’t even the best spec at the AWC a while age BEFORE the nerfs. Now they are like A-tier down from S-tier. Probably still in the top 20% of specs, though. But we’ll see where things are a week from now.

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No it isn’t, and no it doesn’t. Why is it, with gamers, that everything they don’t know how to play, is always ‘broken and needs nerfs’? I’ve been listing to this same tired nonsense since table top games in the 70’s.

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Lol is BG PvP is valance around 3v3. And ret can be stun easily.