Ret is still broken and needs nerfs

Because of the trashy morons in the #arena. Legit 90% of the people in that forum are either idiots or bought their rating if its a high one. What a bunch of morons.


That’s also funny! And that you avoided my question about playing other classes.

How did those nerfs turn out today?

I have so much power!

11 70’s, but don’t let that stop your string of bad assumptions, hyperbole, and exaggeration.


You have no power you are just another cry baby thats gonna still get steamrolled by palys like me little shaman


I love that you missed the joke entirely. Re-read what I quoted.

You guys are priceless!

And how many do you play SS with? The reason I ask, is because I thought you said (but I see it was not you haha)

How are the nerfs today? I haven’t had a chance to play yet?

Where have I exaggerated? Or made assumptions?

Maybe you were talking to to other rets in this thread?

I fail to see the point of your comment as a reply to me seeing as I said none of the things you just listed.

If you beat me because you know your class and have played it for 15 years, good. No complaints here.

The problem is people who don’t know the class and just started playing taking advantage of a broken rework to carry them and win fights they wouldn’t and shouldn’t otherwise.

Yes, it’s not as bad now as the first week of the rework but still needs more tuning.

ret after nerfs are A - A+ tier at highest.
No longer god tier.
Warriors(heh), BM hunters, and Locks will be back as to being stupid to play against and ignored as usual.

Your class needs a rework more than any class.

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Sigh, the hate is real


True that.

Well, resto is pretty good I hear but I don’t play it.

At least enhance does need some love. I hear we’re getting some changes in 10.1 but I’m not sure it’ll be enough. Time will tell.

Lol, kid, AOE dmg vs single target dmg, paladin hit’s harder with little effort. How can’t you notice that? your class is stupid and broken as F.

RMP has been legit for years. That’s totally fine. Hunters hit like trucks at 60 yards. They can drool on the keyboard and out-perform. Bgs are filled with them for a reason. Locks have been insane with their survivability because they are low mobility but they have full 40 yard range and insta cast rots/pets that do insane damage. They can teleport groups of people and they have gates.

I am totally fine with the above but don’t cherry pick. If we are going to pick apart the paladin because it is good for the first time in a very long time, at least mention these other classes as well in the same breath. I’m fine with some damage reduction but our sustainability is going to be an issue with the horrible mobility Blizzard wants to force upon us.


Why is a DH talking about easy when ur rotation is all of 2 buttons. Zzz talk about bias didnt see you in forums asking for DH nerf start of season walking freely into 2.6-3k rating when noone could touch them.
Guess it only matters when ur not OP, also where is ur posts exactly on Demo locks or Hunters running ppl down with zero effort??


go elemental, what is your logic ? I dont play prot paladin because ret is better, if you thought they would make every spec of you class good in pvp think again.

Coming from a DH, this is hilarious


2 button meme

someone clearly hasnt been paying attention at all.

No I’ve been paying attention just fine, calling out hypocrisy and weak arguments this whole failed excuse of a rework Blizzard calls this.
Cant wait for a Spriest or Shaman rework so I can be dumpster tier a week later.

However please enlighten me what Ive missed I’m sure I’ll be as surprised by ur knowledge like so many before u.

first, right off the bat. call dh a two button spec when its clearly not the case since df started just shows how you havent been paying attention to any spec not even your own. ret is clearly overtuned yes, dh wasnt even that overtuned to begin with and it got dumpster, while shammys are also strong in their own right. further more, im sorry but BG shouldnt be a indicator of tuning. thats like saying heroic dungeons should be the bases of pve tuning.

its funny, how so many people simply cant deal with a neutered class like havoc. claiming it isnt a skill issue.

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Great so show me where I said or implied paladin not being OP.
I’ll save u some time I didnt all the nerfs until after 10.7 arent warranted. STRICTLY pvp speaking. Pve I could care less its never been balanced rode that pony for years.
2nd DH walked to 3k start of expac with no one near them, regardless how quickly they got nerfed in roughly the same span as paladin HOWEVER the forums werent lightning up DH in the toxic an disgusting manor rets have been treated.

Blizzard failed this here not the rets. But they got the hate all the same.