I have never pushed rating …ever, I only do rss for the conquest.
Warriors have a gap closer so do rogues, dks, dhs do too , let’s not forget monks .
Rets get a pony that doesn’t break roots or slows and a dispellable freedom that we
have to use with said pony and you want us to be nerfed……like Ive said before just wait a week or 2 and relax knowing that almost all of our abilities are losing 10-15% of our damage when tier sets change and our burst will come down a bit with the 25% crit nerf which heavily affects ret.
Shame on you for rating shaming….toxicity doesn’t look good on you
Please tell me your not playing your mage and having issues with ret pallies? If so your not playing the right spec or your not playing your class right . There are lots of mage guides on YouTube that’ll give you pointers on how to play your class
I literally wasn’t rating shaming. I know what it’s like to hit an all time rating high, have rating goals, and have the threat of nerfs on your class. The issue is that people are hiting rating highs because their class is oppressively OP, not because they went down the natural path of improving.
How much more hand holding do you need from blizzard.
It’s hard to take you seriously when you post screen shots that are dated and then say things like “it’s okay to nerf ret range to 10% since DKs don’t have a gap closer”…
Ret participation is high right now since the spec is in a very good place and lots of people enjoy the fantasy of paladins. Not to mention having the best spell animations and having the best warcraft lore
You just upset since ret is no longer a free kill like before .7 and you have to think to kill one now.
Yes they were downright busted with .7 release, but they fine now. Again, just because it takes a little more thought to kill doesn’t make them unbalanced.
Gimme a break guy. The entire game population rerolled Ret in the span of a week. Lore never changed, animation never changed, they became busted. that’s the only thing that changed. Everybody wanted the training wheels. Period. If you want to have a legit argument, bring real points to the table. Don’t try to insult our intelligence with this stupidity.
I did a 2-3 hour queue session in rated 3’s a couple of days ago and over half the games were Ret comps.
Just read through the reason people are hating the game right now, it’s mostly because of the oppressiveness of Ret. The comments speak for themselves. I get that you don’t feel it playing a Ret. But every other class/spec does feel it.
Again, I’m not denying that the population is high. I’m just saying it’s not just because they’re in a good place.
And you act like it’s just ret.
Locks, wars, and some others have a high population but you seem to have a hate fetish against ret because of the release of 10.7 to the point that you they’re OP no matter how many nerfs they get because you haven’t figured out how to kill them as easy as you could prior to 10.7
People are just traumatized by ret at the start of 10.7, like yourself obviously, and think that anything less of how bad we were prior to .7 is OP.
So you don’t think it’s a problem at least every other game is a Ret comp… or that every PvPer who isn’t Ret is specifically saying that Ret is ruining their Arena experience?
yeah this patch could have been solid but ret is still light years above every other spec in wow
it has plot armor
ret is just prot paladin with dps level output at this point, infinite utility and defensives. its infuriating
absolutely no idea why final verdict has a 20 yard range, they don’t need it in pve and they DO NOT NEED IT IN PVP
sac needs a longer cd
loh needs disabled for ret
magic bop or bop should be a choice node, not a pvp talent
crusading strikes should have never been added, it’s going to stay so it should hit for at max like 5k, you shouldnt be auto swinging for 20k+
my god theres more but this is off the top of my head
ret had really good utility for their team before with a super high skillcap on it (excluding sl where its tuning was way overpowered), the drawback to having insane utility for your team/healer was that it was difficult to heal. now it is incredibly easy to heal while having even more utility.
with its current tuning and the absurd range on its damaging spells there is absolutely no reason it should be able to support as much as it does