Ret is broken in pvp, time to nerf

once again not advocating nerfs, just an observation. keep up the great content.

naw if someone is actually good they can make some things look better than they are.

it is hard to functionally balance on the premise of people being just super good though.

honestly some classes like it or not are very very strong (op) even in the hands of drooling idiots.

i can name a few but honestly it doesnt matter cause wpvp is a cruel joke compared to other versions of ā€œvanillaā€ or ā€œeraā€ style game modes.

there really needs to be a bump up of the damage reduction to somewhere around 50-60% and some bumps in performance for the specs that are lagging behind.

its not tenable at the current pace and it needs to be that either everyone can 1-2 global or nobody can.

Dude is out here thinking he is xaryu while playing a ret. Iā€™m almost laughing to tears. :joy:

Watched a vid of his ā€œtier listā€ ranking classes by difficulty, put shamans at the ā€œeasiestā€ then ret paladin in the lowest tier of the classes. Literally comedy genius. Great engagement tactic, you earned my extra view.

I can guarantee if you played a shaman and tried that same open world pvp you would be in the dirt 90% of the time. Even counting those examples of killing half afk people or globaling people in PvE blues running to MC.

You seem upset about something, and seem to be rage baiting.

Yes it will be a challenge to play tank shaman, getting passive healing from earthshield with instant riptides, using flameshock that hits 5 targets to give me an instant lava burst that will 100% crit, while also having wolves giving me more passive heals, stunning the target and giving me 60% movement speed, but dont forget i could just shamaniatic rage to give me 20% damage reduction with 75%mana return while giving 18% mana to the raid. Yes this seems to be very challenging

It would be such an awe inspiring thing to watch you actually play a shaman the come back and realize just how absurdly funny reading this is and how off the mark you really are.

The best part imo would be watching you realize how little healing you get from earth shield and riptide. Also the instant heal from riptide is a 5% proc chance so legs go ahead and move that previously stated 90% dirt time to 95%. :rofl: :rofl:

Same could be said to watch you duel on a ret, we are at the garubashi arena everyday doing 1v1, 2v2, and ffa. Why do we not see you out there ever?

The best part in watching you play ret is realizing you will die even with your bubble and loh. Itll be great


Itā€™s always so cathartic when you see someone basically repeat your replies knowing you really got under their skin. Keep letting that Ret infused dunning Kruger syndrome bleed through I guess. :joy:

For the record I did play a paladin (but on wild growth). I didnā€™t enjoy the exorcism style PvE play so I quit for awhile and ended up rerolling. So much of your post is exaggerating shaman utility while downplaying paladin and yes, aside from being a hunter 40 yards away, Ret is the easiest pvp experience without a doubt.

What about ignoring a response entirely and responding with a troll message. We are at the garubashi arena everyday doing 1v1, 2v2, 2v2v2 and ffa. Why dont we ever see you out there? We only ever see you here chirping on the forums

I love this thread gets recreated every other day and its usually the same 3 to 4 characters complaining about ret, like the dev and forum moderators wont realise its the same 1 or 2 dudes either trolling or having legitmate meltdowns.

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You ever wonder why Paladins havent been nerfed yet? Because it aint broke.

Shaman didnt get nerfed just because someone was chirping on the forums, they had the data and numbers to make the call to nerf. Paladin since classic has had big burst damage and it hasnt changed with sod. All nerfs that blizzards thought needed to be done to the shoulder enchants and spells was done on the PTR.

I know youre probably trolling but deep down theres gotta be a brain issue to why you get a serotonine hit from making these threads

I feel a little silly when I could have just brought the receiptā€™s. I donā€™t play retail anymore but I mained a Ret from the original TBC release through dragonflight with a few big breaks occasionally. For those uninformed SoD ret is nearly a carbon copy of WoTLK ret with a couple changes here and there aka the Ret Paladin glory days. Though I still miss bashing people in with shadowmourne in arenas I will admit our kit was very busted.

You have all the tools. A ranged incapacitate, a full on six second stun (wolves I believe is two seconds at most), full on immunity to CC and damage for up to 12 seconds, an instant 100% heal (which doesnā€™t cause forbearance like it did in LK), insane burst that does not rely on a 5% proc chance, magic dispel without a cooldown, hand of freedom and multiple instant weapon damage based attacks like CS & DS which classic wow was not really balanced around (see heroic strike).

I know Ret, much better than most. I absolutely have knowledge of how it works and no Iā€™m not going to go have internet fist fights with you outside of BGā€™s to prove paladins are stronger because they are absolute 1v1 kings, we already know that.

Know your enemy they say. I know mine but you donā€™t know jack.

So you swap characters from your forum post to your retail expansioned ret so people could try and take your opinions seriously. Why not just post on your sod toon, or even your paladin in sod?

what does this even mean?

Nevermind, Iā€™m done with you greenparser. Itā€™s tiresome.

It means every single expansion almost every class has changed completely. This is a new version of the game called SOD. Bringing arguments from different expansions ignoring the current version we are playing is amusing. Since you seem to have the experience in all aspects of the game. I expect to see you at the arena in garubashi on any one of your toons smoff, no reason to hide on the forums. We go there everyday and do tournaments 1v1, 2v2, 2v2v2 and ffa.

Ah yes I see, you were dropped on the head pretty crucial as a child, that can be the only explanation to your level of ignorance, yes I truly understand now. ā€œREt iSnT bROKE DERPP!!ā€ meanwhile rets can 2-3 shot a fully geared plate warrior in 2 seconds. More MORE idiocracy to this thread please, so the day when your beloved ret gets nerfed like our shamans did the tears will be even more delicious.

**in pve gear with no stam

Fixed that for you. Im not 2 to 3 shotting players running stam or pvp plate gear.

I hope this helps!!!

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I never said a thing about it to be nerfed.

The irony here when its the same 2 players desperately trying to defend Rets.

Already broke this down for you. All those things are not happening on the same shaman. You are pulling your classic 31/31/31 spec shaman BS as the reason for being OP. It would be the equivalent of me saying a paladin with wings being able to repentance with reckoning procs and having absurd healing. We all know those dont exist on the same toon, but somehow you cant grasp it when it comes to shamans even though it has been pointed out to you multiple times.

Yeah but im not changing between my alts that have different names to do it, sweety.