My initial reaction is that this doesn’t really seem to address the major issues with ret in PvP. I still think ret will be the best spec by far in PvP.
I.e. @exalter log on
It’s great that they’re not waiting until Friday to announce changes that’ll be put in on Tuesday but I’m…not sure if these will be enough.
This is a very uh gentle approach to say the least.
This reeks off “Well I don’t wanna nerf my new main but lets give it a minor slap on wrist to appease the mob, im still farmin my wins”
Changes are implemented today. But maybe more on Tuesday
This is all Venrukis fault.
3% isn’t anything if you do the actual math lol, That’s like, maybe 3K dmg at most
PSA IM not a math guy
Bottom line, I don’t think anyone who planned on playing Ret during the AWC is going to change their minds and play something else.
WoW is saved
If you notice these changes are PVE based. If it were pvp changes the nerfs would be in increments of 33%, 50%, and 66%.
Yeah, this is exactly what is happening. They hit huge on literally everyone else, but ret there doing these baby nerfs that don’t even address the real problems
It’s crazy that nerfs like this are sometimes warranted.
Assassin also got baby nerfs each week after weeks of dodging them. I’m sure this won’t be the last.
3% damage nerf, 10% off SoV.
These are really the only relevant PvP changes since Fading Light is already giganerfed in PvP, and no one plays Lightforged to spam DS in arena.
they even said it in the blue post, the selling point for 10.0.7 was the ret rework, and I posted about this earlier, because of that, they’re not going to gut Ret untill around the first week or two of 10.1
these nerfs will tickle them in pvp. not nearly enough to take them down from S++ tier
its good they are doing something though. just needs more
The real problem is sac and sanc and their short cd wall, but addressing SoV is good too just not enough
I mean token gestures isn’t really doing something
Still will be the god class. Ret every game 100%