Ret Emergency Hotfix

AWC finals are this weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

Too late for me


In my headcanon, the PvP devs were told to hold off on any significant balance changes because there’d be PvE changes soon™.


This was basically a 100% PVE focused nerf, will barely make a difference in PVP

Rets are still gonna burst hard, still have OP utility, still almost never gonna be kill target


I’ll huff that too

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need more, but good 2nd start

I am not sure why, but I continue to be amazed by people who legit were expecting a flat 20% damage nerf. Like y’all were dead serious in thinking that’s reasonable . People need to stay in school and learn math.

I mean this is a PvE change and if they shaved another 10-15% off they’d still be good in pvp.


Still horrid to fight against! Haha!

I dont think anyone was legitimately expecting that, but a 10-15% nerf to fv/jv (which would be about an overall 3-5% nerf) would be WAY more impactful in pvp.

Further, the nerfs (as a lot of people said) are pve focused and dont stop them from being unkillable terminators that also make their team unkillable without real counters in pvp.


170k JV could def use a 20% nerf.

It’s wild rets like you who think the spec is balanced right now


I know it could be alot more of a nerf, but I am happy they are doing things every other week it seems.

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I mean when ten year long 1600 ret paladins are 2500 over a weekend youd think 20% would be low balling it tbh


It is a pve change that affects pvp. Its obviously not huge at 3%.

Explain how you come to the conclusion that a 15% additional damage nerf is such an obvious answer when they were slow to implement a modest 3% damage nerf?

I dont think people understand how significant 20% flat damage reduction is.

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I don’t think most Paladins understand how broken their spec is.


I think these are just pve changes, assuming we’ll see some pvp changes on friday.

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It doesn’t hit for 170, people aren’t event taking JV right now.

When did I say it was balanced? There’s a big difference between claiming something is balanced and claiming it needs a flat 20% nerf

They are literally just pve changes

ye ret gonna get hammered again on tuesday


Yep. Fingers crossed.