sometime they do a patch note /blue post about what will be in the patch , but like mage and their barrier , back in the day they annonce a mage nerf , they nerf the tooltip but never nerf the real spell ! they cant be trusted !
Waitwhat??? WTF???
Didnât you come here bragging about being a top 1% paladin and that you were so good that you didnât need other high-end paladin advice???
And yet, you stand on the above statement??? I damn near spit out my drink on my computer board reading this.
(Shakes head in hand) You canât make this $#!+ upâŚ
The nerf and rework is real, I went from parsing a 9 to a 0 yesterday on one boss. I have played for a long time but have only started any kind of raiding and mythic 0 dungeons with the war within. The changes were alot for me.
Did you spin around the boss 3 times before jumping on his head?
(Turalyonn in tears at his computer screen)
Ret pally needed the damage nerf. Blizzard did well. Tired of getting out DPSd by a spec that has passive sky hammers do 30-50% of their dps.
Ret does need a ton of quality of life changes and a spec rework so that passive sky hammers arenât all of your damage I agree. Blizzard screwed up red with the hero talents and now it has to feel bad or itâs op. I hope you ret pallies get the changes you need so youâre spec is good but actually fun to play! Hopefully Blizz can get that done.
No, just no
What I was trying to say is that I saw a remarkable change in what I was doing and saw a decrease in my own performance compared to others. I am not perfect, I know I will never be in the top 10% of ret pallys. I just strive for more and to see me back at the bottom was discouraging.
Maybe try putting a talent point into Sacred Strength? You missed a critical DPS nodeâŚ
Something is definitely wrong, Blessing of Dawn was 30% on PTR and now itâs only 20% on live. Seal of the Crusader and Touch of Light were meaningless, and 4% haste whether it interacts with underlying mechanics is not this much damage.

You gonna have all the wokadin advocates in here saying everything is ok
Everything fine. Disperse !!! Ret is still viable for m0 and lfr. We can solo world quests and delves easily !!!
Weird, my DPS on my Ret feels way higher. Sheâs 610.
Did a +6 NW today with a Mage/Hunter/War/Sham and averaged 1.6million DPS for the dungeon (I did flask for that one).
Did a few +4âs and was averaging anywhere from 1.2m-1.4m DPS.
Usually Iâm doing like 900k-1mil DPS.
Iâm not any better a player than I was a week ago. Iâm noticing that once in awhile I have a couple seconds of downtime but thatâs about it.
None of my other alts are doing anywhere near 1.6million DPS in +4âs/+6âs. I dunno if something is bugged or what. Ret was feeling extra spicy today for me. Half expecting to see a nerf/hotfix or something.
why are you all feeding a mortalx thread? especially for ret paladin aka a spec he knows nothing about?
Laughs in fury warrior. After 4 consecutive weeks of nerfs, we are essentially npcs at this point. Im rerolling to ret just to be less nerfed.

Laughs in fury warrior. After 4 consecutive weeks of nerfs, we are essentially npcs at this point. Im rerolling to ret just to be less nerfed.
You do realize ret has been nerfed three times in a row, right?
Honestly it feels alright im just annoied im forced to take either BoP or BoS for Divine Purpose. Im 618 ilvl and feel like in doing 100-200k more dps
You are a paladin why are you annoyed at taking support spells wtf
I simply never took them and would rather put the points elsewere they could of at least made a connection from the divine toll support talent to dicine purpose
Some people seem to struggle with the supporting nature of a paladin, which is a core part of its identity.
The issue I have is that our class tree talents are made to benefit other people more then ourselves in a lot of those slots.
Maybe those are newer players, idk

give us back one of our buffs like fuk give us Kings
Which version of kings?
If you mean the group wide buff, it wonât happen.
Itâs 1 group buff per class and Paladin one is Devotion.