I’m not backpedaling that the physical damage tank is strong against physical damage
Kill him faster man. That’s simple. Just get 5 boomy friends
The aq tank shaman is broken but the thorns build is a complete meme
As a hunter the thorn set does nothing to me so I don’t even notice it. My issue is just how long shamans take to die and how easy it is for them to spin the flag. I have been in so many BGs where I have farmed rez waves to 0 honor because they have 1 or 2 shamans that just cannot die in-between rez waves.
I would argue SL lock is more obnoxious than tank shammy in terms of not dying. Or the stupid frenzied Regen bear build.
I think all tanks are annoying. But other tanks rely more on CDs to survive in the same way shaman does. Lock dies a lot faster when you kill it’s pet and killing lock pets is very easy to do. Also the flame shock on 5 targets at once makes it so easy for shamans to spin the flag from a distance. They also have freedom every 10 seconds. It is much easier to stop/delay a lock or druid than it is a shaman.
Have the shaman on the team counter him?
Another great strategy by the grey parser.
Why do peeps always bring up parses with PvP content? Stop that. I just had a Mage come over and crap himself while whispering me furiously about blue parses because he didn’t know Horde could kill them in his Mage Tower.
Not alert enough to notice a Druid in front of him but gets all legos on WCL yeah sure.
100% this. dps isnt even a good metric for pvp. burst and eHP are the pvp metrics.
I’ll parse gold all over you kid, say when.
If shamans can use shamanistic rage each min, paladins should be able to use wings each min.
20% Damage reduction
20% damage done
Part of why Ret sucks so bad and is dead last, is our talents do not give spell hit, only melee hit (Shams give both melee and spell hit). Yet only 1 of our abilities deals physical damage. We are the only class in the game that cannot hit their hit cap for raids.
We also don’t benefit from Rogue like all other non-physical damage dealers.
We are also the only class in the game that kills ourselves when we deal primary damage.
We also have no +heal, mana or self healing on demand (especially in PvP), even Warlocks and Warriors can self heal more.
What are you talking about? Ret needs 10% hit. That’s very easily obtainable. You get 6% free from your ring rune. You need 6% for ur 2H and 10% for ur holy spells. With always having a 1% chance to resist. Paly also uses holy spells which can never be partially resisted unlike any other spell school in the game. Ofc paly can get hit capped for raid bosses, and should be hit capped for raid bosses
dunno where youre getting ret paladin are at the bottom of the dps rankings
there above fury warrior enhancement shammy destruction warlock combat rogue arcane mage and arms warrior.
and even looking at it in a vacuum they are still viable and only slightly under par. a lot of doom posting here.
Just say warrior. All those other classes are literally at the top of the boards.
there are in fact not
> **[DPS Damage Statistics - 20 Player Heroic Temple of Ahn'Qiraj | Warcraft Logs Season of Discovery](https://sod.warcraftlogs.com/zone/statistics/2016?aggregate=amount&dataset=95)**
Ummm the classes you mention take up 4 slots of the top 6.
no they arent
all the specs listed are under ret paladin
fury warrior
enchance shaman
destruction warlock
combat rogue
arcane mage
arms warrior
Reading comprehension, look it up. I said class, not spec.
There are options for those classes. Current paladin dps options are ret or holy shock. Only warrior performs worse than them at the moment
yeah dps specs compare to dps specs, you dont compare tanks to dps or healers to dps or tanks to healers unless they are outperforming the other role. ie tanks dealing more dps then arms warrior is a problem. dps paladin is not the lowest dps spec in the dps rankings and is relatively balanced being only slightly low
if you wanna go the class route. paladins are top or near to top tanks and healers. so you should just respec to one of the those if you dont care about spec and only class.