Ret bottom of DPS rankings, Bubble nerfed twice in SOD, forums now quiet

You heard me. Why did you all stop crying about ret paladins?

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I don’t understand, are Rets Bubbling on cooldown in PvE as well to cause them to rank low? Take it off the hotbar man!


They might die to the classic raid mechanics. They are very hard. They have to bubble at any sight of danger.

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Same reason nobody complains about enhancement shaman. Reap what you sow as they say.

Although ret is still light years better than enhancement


You are doing better then Enh Shaman/ Every warrior/ Combat rogue.

Keep the copium up.

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Just spec imp shout and sunder the boss. Easy raid spot.

the bubble nerf is ridiculous, i have been ranking in AB and shaman tanks are OP GODMODE 3.0 more than before, they are using the set that has thorns, we needed 4 people with healer include to kill him in like 30 seconds. i was getting like 700 damage per second while the shaman was stuned in hoj. Imposible to kill without a healer.

lost 2 bgs because of that shaman solo capping vs 2-3 people.


Why not nerf shammy tanks and remove bubble. Make shammy tanks do like not dmg but have tons of threat and then remove bubble so palys can’t be so insecure. It’s a win win

I agree and think we should expand upon this.

Paladins can no longer use the light.
Shamans can no longer use the elements.
Hunters can no longer use ranged weapons.
Rogues can no longer stealth.
Druids can no longer shapeshift.
Warlocks can no longer summon demons or use the shadows.
Mage can only have 4 spells prepared at a time and need a long rest of at least 8 hours before they can prepare 4 more spells.
Priests just get deleted from the game.
And warriors can no longer wear any armor, or a shield.

There I have fixed SoD. You’re welcome.


You paladins are so dramatic. It’s funny to see paladins given so much yet you guys still complain. You guys have spells that u can’t build resists for, an insta mount, immunity bubble of insecurity. All while being relatively fun to play. Paly could be the best healer, tank, and DPS yet y’all would complain about something.


A tank spec shaman running razorbramble set will have <3500 mana, just ignore him and he will oom in 20 seconds even with SR and never kill anyone because their damage is trash.

Literally the only thing they can kill are paint chip munching, tunnel visioning rogues and warriors. Any ranged will absolutely :poop: on them.

You clowns will cry about anything.

Cast a spell on him maybe. Shamy tanks have no cc or magic dmg reduction. So maybe do one of those things. If he was the 4pc t2.5 with ele gear as well then ye. That’s build is stupid and needs to not work in BGs, but the thorns build is indeed a meme build

You’re right, lemme reroll off warrior to one of the blizzard chosen like Boomie so I can kill the broken classes in bg’s. 10/10 idea. Thanks for your effort, I know with how stupid you are it was really hard for you to even type that.

BTW, it’s not like they stop being bonkers broken vs melee even if they don’t wear thorns gear. You have A MAX 30s window to take an obj before the rez wave comes. Any class that can sustain itself that long unsupported is gamebreaking. Stop defending this garbage.

Mad cuz bad I see. Maybe in the team based battleground you aren’t able to just do everything yourself and u need other classes in order to overcome the opposition.

It takes ~4-5 people 15-20 seconds (longer if not all geared) to kill one tank shaman. You can no longer play smart AB, you have to deathball because the game balance is trash. You’re an idiot.

Again, I hate you people.

Ye balance is trash correct. However my dots in full tank on lock in SL will kill a shaman tank within 1 fear. You’re just upset it seems

Oh that’s crazy, a warlock killing the tank class that CAN’T FULL BLOCK THEIR DAMAGE? JFC you’re so braindead. I know why you play tank lock. Because if you played anything else you’d struggle against pre-buff sod mage.

Calling you an animal would be insulting to animals.

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So maybe. Join a premade and get a caster to do that.

You’re incapable of reading and comprehending and holding a conversation. If it takes 15-20 seconds to kill one tank shaman with 4-5 people, what happens to the rest of his team? How many rez waves can you wipe before your healers go oom and you lose the push? Because 1 class is functionally unkillable within a reasonable time frame. Because the game balance is bad.

Also no offense but looking at ur cata logs. U parse blue on the NPC creatures that are meant to be killed by simply following instructions. So you might want stop calling others idiots