Ret aura removed in TWW

Ok well, Holy feels terrible on the beta. Both balance and design wise.

Their reasoning is flawed and actually a 180 from when they added ret aura in df. What makes them think ret will be brought togroup content because “they have more than rnough utility” when that wasnt the case before. They talk about restricting spots yet holy has been a locked spec forever becuse of aura mastery.

Lastly they leave us with crusader aura in thr tree 
 Come on


Didn’t see this change, it is indeed a very strong defensive power.

The only thing is that it’s for Templar and it sounds like both Templar and Herald are neck and neck.

At least from perception but tuning isn’t done and it won’t be even when the expac comes out . :rofl:

Check wowhead. It just got leaked that they’re reinstating it.

The last articles posted are 1hour old and are about Peculiar fish and a PTR DPS Ranking for Classic

I don’t know if anyone truly CE raids, but Aura mastery is historically one of the weakest raid CDs in the game. Outside the world first race, the true power lies in the perma 3% damage reduction that devo aura brings, which all paladins have access too.

Not to mention Ret and Prot have better utility than Holy paladin - double freedom for example.

The change is good because raid buffs can now be normalized across the game and ensures at least 1 spot is available for every class.

Does it make it a bit harder for hybrid classes? Sure. But that’s better than the current scenario we are in where resto/elemental shaman literally have no reason to be brought because enhance brings windfury totem.

Paladin (as a whole) brings so much more utility than every other class, Ret will be fine.

Not to mention that the average player will probably play better on a class that they like. Not everyone plays every class equally. I one trick holy and I perform better than most of my other teammates because I have over 10 years of experience on the class - this includes in DF where holy has been a dumpster fire for most of the expac.

Other food for thought is that ret aura (historically, not necessarily at this moment) has caused ret to be stronger for progression compared to farm, where less people are dying. This has impacted balancing for a long time. IE. Ret performs really well during the early weeks of progression and it leads to nerfs. This change is a good opportunity to allow blizzard to correctly tune the spec.

AM the weakest healing raid CD? What game are you playing? Have you ever looked at the damage flow of raid bosses? I would hope you have because you look like a talented holy paladin. Normally mythic raiding is live the big hit and then there is plenty of time to heal the raid back up. Historically AM and Rallying Cry (the two more or less do the same thing) have been the strongest healing CDs in the game.

Please list the utility outside of Ret aura that is new to the ret paladin in DF. All this “so called utility” everyone goes on about has been on Ret since Legion, yet few guilds brought Ret until DF. Why is that?

Are you confusing the free wings from people dying with Ret aura? Ret Aura gives bonus damage when folks drop a certain percentage in health. Ret Aura procs very often due to damage swings in the fight not from people dying.

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Pick a lane, it’s either a strong CD or it isn’t.

If it wasn’t, it wouldn’t be part of every single comp for RWF.

And the fact that you have to specify that you’re excluding them shows how little you have to stand on to argue it is weak.

hpal is a staple not cause of aura mastery. its multiple reasons, its blessings, strong spot healing, beacon tanks, dr from glimmer and other sources, hopo as a resource, devo aura in general without aura mastery. solid dps potential, its alot of reasons

You will not save hammer of light to shieldorheal a bossmechanic. Ypu will use hammer of light and its procs on cd. So i dont believe the herd that say “ret vis tootanky again because of this one mostly overheal mechanic tied to a main damage button”

How long do the shields last?

I think I speak for many of us when I ask: wat?

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Of course not, but you don’t have to. The shield has almost a 50% uptime if it doesn’t get consumed. But it doesn’t matter if it gets used up or not. The point is Ret has substanially better survivability than other dps on the beta. If a Ret is your group you don’t need to worry about them because they are always near 100% health while everyone else are taking massive damage.

10 seconds, but is refreshed when you use HoL. So if you get a HoL proc while the shield is up it can alst for 20+ seconds. In theory you could get it up to 50 seconds, but not without holding HoL until it is just about to fall off.

Can only speak from a pvp perspective, but usually we just use devotion aura anyway. Nobody uses the other ones unless there’s another paladin around.

They should make the auras more interesting instead of adding/removing. Having to default to devotion is very boring.


Not everything is a black or white statement. There’s always room for nuance and gray area.

The RWF is an outlier that doesn’t apply to 99% of the playerbase. Aura mastery gets weaker the longer progression takes. The impact the ability has on week 1 is different than week 8.

So paladins currently have two raid buffs while most other classes have one and a few have zero. I don’t understand why being brought down to one like everybody else is such a huge deal. Things need to be balanced.

If the concern is utility we’re still talking about a paladin- they have some of the strongest utility of any class. If you aren’t making use of that utility then that’s on you.

Ret is currently the highest represented dps spec in keys of any level by a significant margin. Ret currently makes up nearly half the melee representation of timed keys 10 or higher. That means there are nearly as many rets as every other melee combined. Some of y’all need to accept that ret is a little too strong right now.

how dare you! ret clearly needs a 100% buff, two unique separate raid buffs so you bring 2 ret paladins, a leap to get rid of their only weakness, and a legendary, and a unique title, and the ashrbinger back, and has to have 100000 defensives just incase, and puts a debuff on any mob and player that adds the mobs power to the ret paladins own.

thats the bare minimum!

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M+ and Mythic raid are not equal. Thanks for the input though.

The magical utility you keep referring to has been on ret since legion, yet this is the first time you see this kind of data in M+. Why do you think that is? Have you asked yourself that question? That may just be flavor of the month choices by the player base you are observing, same as destro lock and survival hunters at the end of Shadowlands.

The suggestion to give Ret Aura Mastery would increase their inclusion in mythic raid, but as it stands going into TWW few mythic team will seek a Ret paladin. Mythic teams will only include Ret paladin due to roster issues of mythic raiding team or player loyalty being rewarded.

Thanks try again.

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Brother the utility you speak of ha been with the class forever (and with ret in particular as ret is the specplayed and neglected the most when forming groups).

Go read on why it was brought back in thr first place please so you stop parroting ‘ret has enough utility caw caw ret has enough utility’.

Will this affct your average heroic guild raider? No
Will this affect puggin of any level? Maybe because pug people care for meta only but who knows
Will this affect mythic?maybe we will see idk.

But the fact that you keep arguing about retS utility when iT hasnt been the reason the spec gets invites in pve in ages is crazy.


Crusader aura needs a secondary effect, since the 20% movement speed does next to nothing now that we only dragonride.