Ret aura removed in TWW

Because 3 Minute Healing Cooldowns have historically been a sizable amount of healing for healing specs and they compete against eachother in usefulness.

Tranq, Rewind, Revival/Restoral, Aura Mastery, Spirit Link Totem, Power Word: Barrier and Divine Hymn are all on the same sort of power level and are balanced against one another as 3 minute Cds, if Holy Paladin had another powerful 3 min then perhaps you could speak about having another option. But as it stands it’s the only thing that competes against the other healers on that front.

I am aware that historically Barrier and Aura Mastery have been far more useful than other healers big 3 minute cds, but that hasn’t been the case for about a year now.

And having Daybreak/DToll and Tyr’s Deliverance being too many cds is true, but that’s another topic. 3 Minute cds are something else than the cooldown bloat of multiple 1 minute, 45 second and 1.5 min cds. Those all have their own unique place in the meta.

Retribution usefulness:
Damage: Dependent on tuning like any other melee spec you just mentioned before
Utility: Blessing of Sacrifice, Divine Shield, Blessing of Protection, Lay on Hands, Off-Heal, Combat Res, Devotion Aura if only paladin
Survivability: Among the last to die and one of the highest overall

I fail to see where the supposed weakness of Retribution lie that make it undesirable vs any other specialization in the game apart from damage tuning, which is negliable for most of Cutting Edge raiding as seen in Dragonflight where many specs were close to 5% off eachothers dps output. Meanwhile healing output is much more radically different and tank damage output isn’t even funny.

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All things Holy brings in the same or better form…

As of now*

They are removing a lot of that defensive power in TWW.

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They haven’t removed any of that defensive power yet.

Retribution still has Shield of Vengeance and Divine Protection, one more than Holy Paladin.

And Holy doesn’t bring any better version of anything apart from one single cooldown on 3 minutes which does 9% Damage Reduction for 8 seconds, comparable to Rewind or Revival in healing throughput, except it doesnt show on the meters (yet, i assume warcraft logs and details will include it very soon).

Which brings me back to this point:

But Holy Paladin doesn’t bring a better devo aura, it brings a completely new unique ability that simply provides 9% DR or a healing boost with Ret aura (going away btw) that is unique to Holy Paladin, like how Rewind or Tranq are unique to their respective healer specs.

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Tell me again you don’t CE raid without typing out you do not CE raid.

None of this utility matters in raid except raidwide survivability utility (thus AMZ and Rally Cry of DK and Warrior). Individual survivability is unimportant because half the team dead is a wipe anyways.

Without ret aura there will again be no reason to bring a ret paladin except for damage, and that rarely a compelling argument to bring any class to mythic raiding.

Shall I show my CEs, like actually being this dense. I got all 3 CE’s this expansion as Pally.

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I mean it would give you some credence instead of posting on a toon with 90 achievement points and saying things that the rest of the history of the game proves to be false.

And never once has Aura Mastery made the difference this entire expansion to live through a mechanic that rewind or a well timed ramp hasn’t.

I played holy pally plenty of times where I would hold back my aura mastery over a fight to get a better parse, because it isnt mandatory and hurts your parse.

Shocker, a utility class being shoved into a healer role in previous expansions where healing wasn’t as mandatory as it was in dragonflight.

I mean it’s always been like that, in Shadowlands you could probably find a healer with more throughput than double pally, double disc, but it wasn’t needed and damage was king. Apart from the occasional mistweaver in sepulcher or holy priest and the shaman in nathria.

And to add to the question about the history of the game, i am with you, thats why im highlighting the parrallels between the past old man and the future which will most likely be based upon the framework of dragonflight, not classic.

imgu r.c om /a/ m7TA77U

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What is the toon name? Some random imgur link doesn’t show much. Post on your main.

But I hope you keep living the Ret dream, just know few people will get to play it in raid with the current proposed changes regardless of what you think raid utility means. It is sad that as a ret paladin you are not fighting for a better chance of them being included.

The only hope for salvation of ret in mythic may be passive healing from the hero talents.


DP with 10% less DR and SoV with 10% less absorb compared to live…

Factor in that they are making Mastery and crit better which mean we won’t be stacking versatility as much as we did in DF, which in turns means more damage taken and an even LESSER amount of shielding provided by SoV because it has a Versatility scaling component.

We will not be as tanky in TWW, period.
It’s not even disputable…


U got all ur CEs at the last minute when they were nerfed by 50% or more.

Ur not a CE raider

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Lol gatekeeping CE like it’s something unique…

Not talking about hall of fame here.


Losing ret aura is fine but needing to put a point into devo aura is bad. Just make crusader aura and devo aura baseline.


Whatever. I’ll just run devo aura forever on all specs now. Yeehaw. Much fun. Can we just combine Crusader aura and Devo aura and call it “Aura aura - never click this off”


Shaman getting good rework while paladin getting nerf bat, the same thing is happening in sod, these devs really like play shaman. The entire class feels bad in the 4 versions of the game.

That applies to a lot of specs, I don’t get how that’s an argument for keeping it.

I’ve raided as a ret pally in mythic raids, and mythic+ just be a pro at interups and dps, dont stand in stuff, use your cooldowns. A lot of complaints when in TWW pally is still one of the top god tier dps.
Monks past everyone after a complete rework, but they weren’t bad season 3 and 4 in the first place on dps if you fully geared it, you could pass most classes, just not as many of them to parse TWW will probably change that.
Overall Blizz beefed up ret pally again for TWW, they were already dominant, removal of this aura just kind of toned it down a little, because to be honest with range abilities they were destroying content with ease, you can google some of the vids its stupid dps at more range than before, and more aoe, more flashy, was even in a group with one, they were full on artillery if played correctly. With new Dev pushing pally power I dont think tgere is a single thing to complain about.
Especially when other classes have larger rotations, and do less dps, more gear dependent. Some of the top aoe dmg does worst st and blizz didnt touch them at all.
Or made other’s change to specs with little fun factor.
Some classes need a full rework but blizz let them slide for another expac.
Pally will be still excessively strong, and in the top dmg without ret aura, with a lot of utilities, you just to not be derp.
I’ve played ret at its worse when no one wanted us, this is nothing, its our time to shine still finishing Dragonflight into TWW.


Its not like ret paladin does high damage in single target and aoe, has other amazingly useful utility like the entire raid taking 3% less damage, has amazing survivability and can use divine shield to cheese mechanics, and we can ignore the other patch notes of tww ret changes that just read like theyre gonna do ludicrouse damage with wake of ashes putting you into your major cd and just passively having a chance to always go into your major cd anyway alongside damage buffs across the kit.

Ret paladin is gonna be fine in raids lol


Ret paladin was reworked. You dont know what your talking about, ret paladin is the highest dps spec in dungeons and does good damage in raids with amazing utility beyond ret aura. Also your lvl 68 so wither you didnt play dragonflight, in which case excuse yourself from the conversation or your talking on here because you dont want to out yourself as having not done mythics.

Idk about that. Sacrosanct Crusade on the beta right now is so strong that i would argue it is better than the rest of Ret’s defensive kit combined. It’s basically a twice as strong SoV that can crit. With half the cooldown.

For Divine Protection to be as effective you need to take a minimum of 200% of your total health over 8 second. And that’s only matching to a non-crit Sacrosanct Crusade on 1 target (it gets stronger the more target’s you hit with HoL).

Ret is also gaining a passive 5% less damage taken debuff through Wrathful Decent, which will offset some of the lost versatility.

If Sacrosanct Crusade was the only defensive Ret had, i feel like they would still be fine (in PvE).

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Benmarch is right; we’re not going to be as tanky with all the minor nerfs we’re getting. That being said, we’re probably going to be saved because of what you mentioned, Sacrosanct Crusade…IF they don’t nerf that to the ground as well (I’m looking at you, Fading Light).

That one node alone is why I’ll most likely prefer Templar over Herald of the Sun.