It’s non-sense that a class has 2 “required” raid buffs.
Ret aura didn’t solve the core issue.
The only thing it did was require another paladin to be there.
Not necessarily a Ret either.
If Holy had been stronger and Ret aura had been more consistent in it’s damage increase, raids would have brought 2 Holy paladins and use 1 AM with Lust and Ret aura.
That’s the truth of it.
Ok sure ,we can do that , but looking at it this way has to bring into question it’s very existence.
Let’s say it was named something different and wasn’t referring Devo aura at all.
This CD is so “clutch” that it overshadows Holy having questionable performance and makes it a “staple” CD to have on a raid on the same footing as “Lust” , with the difference that its concentrated on 1 class instead of 4 for “Lust”.
At least for progressing groups and ones that struggles to get through some phases.
Only Disc Priest brings a similar DR effect but its less versatile given it requires specific positioning to be effective, which isn’t always possible to do on everyone and henceforth doesn’t make it feel as required because fights are designed differently.
Disc has the choice to instead place an absorb on everyone for fights where it can’t use it optimally.
Every other healer 3min CD is a simple “big heals on everyone at once”, which are inherently interchangeable.
Preventing the damage to happen at all regardless of positioning (given you’re within 40yd but all the big heals cds are also 40yd range) is Holy “sole” niche which makes it stand-up even amongst other healers.
So then we have to ponder, should that be Holy pal CD?
Because on 1 hand, there are very few mechanics left in the game that are unique to 1 Class/spec and removing them doesn’t feel right because it takes away from their identity.
On the other hand, this CD is so specific and unique that it precludes other specs from the same class to get representation unless they are blatantly stronger in their role than other classes.
So how do you keep that uniqueness and flavor for a class without hindering or suffocating its other specs whilst respecting other classes also have a right to be represented in a raid in an optimal setting?
Whether we connect AM to Devo or not, the fact remains that AM is, by itself, the source of the problem.
The uniqueness of what it does makes it a “requirement” and if you’re gonna have Holy regardless, then no one else needs to bring devo but them.
I feel auras are a strong identity marker of Paladins as a whole, I feel like it should be more emphasized in the class tree, I feel like AM could be a strong candidate for that as a capstone.
Maybe scale back its strength or change it if it goes in the class tree, it has to many throughput nodes anyway.
Obviously it would need a debuff if it stays as a CD as to not stack DRs but if it becomes something more passive then it wouldn’t be a problem.
And then give Holy a Raid CD that makes it compete with other healers on throughput instead of bypassing the need to heal damage altogether through a DR effect.