Ret aura removal

Revert this decision, it is already caster meta, leeaaaavvve usss alonnne! Crusader aura??? Really? Whoever made the decision is just dumb, pointless and dumb.

The few ppl such as liquid max who makes a living off this game, their opinion shouldnt be the golden rules for the entire wow community, who cares if some classes have more than one raid buff and some don’t, so what it effects his “race to the world first” which get them paid and sponsors, why are the raid design to be beaten within their budget time frame, it doesn’t matter to us at all, stop making it effect our game play. idc who beat the raid first it is not related to the player base what so ever. who cares if Max’s monk has limited melee range and he called for ret range nerf, why should all of us change for HIM??? They are only preforming well because it is literally their job, not special at all.


Paladins deserve to lose it


Your character is a demon hunter, not a paladin


I’ve played my pally since vanilla. I was very excited at the notion of our auras returning a few years back. But they have ultimately been underwhelming. Ret aura most of all. I do not care if it goes.


Auras these days are … kinda just there. I think I usually have Devotion up. It’s been a year or so since I checked.

Not our strongest feature, that’s for sure.

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It has became a mandatory buff for a raid and the reason to bring a ret, now there is none.


Are you guys just switching to alts to spam the same thread?


Yay, no more incentive to intentionally take damage for a buff! Praise the merciful Light!!!

Same with Warrior stances; I wish they were removed or returned to the stance-swapping style of early World of Warcraft.

Probably, or just the hivemind of low-intelligence players endlessly parroting what they’ve been told.


Crusader Aura as a talent point is DOA, with its only real remaining function being battlegrounds since it doesn’t boost Skyriding speed. Pretty goofy.


You want ret aura back so you can be the token Ret brought to a raid?
Shouldn’t you want to be brought because your spec performs well? Argue for that change, not bringing back the aura.


Don’t we want all specs to be balanced?


Invalid argument, there are limited spot in raids, bliz want shaman to be brought instead of a 2nd Paladin, you don’t know what you are talking about.


Pretty sure as a DH player, I do know about limited raid spots and being brought for a specific purpose. It’s not fun, and you should be arguing for better reasons to be brought than to be the token raid buff player.

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Most Paladins don’t even use it, they will leave on crusader aura during dungeons and raids so it being removed really isn’t that deep.


Your buff to casters is a significant reason for you to be brought, be happy while it lasts.


I don’t see the ‘better’ reasoning behind suggesting that my preferred spec be deliberately designed to be overpowered so that I can be brought to a raid. This whole line of logic is pretty silly.

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You know what, we also don’t have to play this game, it is getting there.


Yeah that as a standalone talent is very dumb. It should just be given baseline. Or hell, make it a passive thing like it was for a long time!

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This won’t matter unless they decide to allow it to affect Skyriding (same goes for the DK passive). Probably the most niche talent in the game now as a standalone.

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Different achievement points. You can always tell it’s an alt because the achievement points are the same.

Ironically, appears they removed this aura so Shaman can have an aura instead.