Ret aura removal

They need to make devo and crusader auras baseline and give us new talents for those spots.


Paladin is the only class that requires 2 copies to get full value in terms of raid buffs.

Blizzards just bringing them back in line with the other 12.

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I don’t mind, that makes sense to me. What they need to do is give Aura Mastery to Ret and Prot so that you have a reason to bring a Paladin of any spec and not just specifically Holy Paladin.


is this the Thread where I demand the return of the DK auras we had in patch 3.0.3?


Frost aura and its op resistances :stuck_out_tongue:


Unholy Aura for 15% run speed brrrrr


Member when we had seals, auras, and stuff. Good times. Now you’re a budget Frost DK.

Honestly tho less things is better atm. Remove a bit more from all classes!

Oh noes! that aura that increase the damage 35 p!


I don’t mind the removal of Ret Aura but now we’re back to the original problem: Why bring a Ret over Prot or Holy? What utility does Ret bring that Holy or Prot don’t? Holy has Aura Mastery and Prot has Blessing of Spellwarding, but Ret has nothing.


I did always wonder why Aura Mastery was not in the class tree. Maybe now would be a good time to make Crusader baseline, move Aura Mastery to the class tree in its place and give holy something new for that node.

I mean that is exactly what they JUST did with shaman’s ‘Skyfury’.

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Didn’t make sense for paladins to have 2 buffs if all the other classes only bring 1. It’s the same for dks, now shamans, been that way for druids too when they have 4 specs, all those classes (and more) don’t really have a reason to bring multiple specs which include melee dps. If the goal was to have a spec based buff system like wotlk it would make sense to have specific spec buff but we’re starting to run out of flexible raid spots.

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Then should we be giving barrier to shadow? Should we give SLT to eke/enhance?

You bring them when you need Devo and already have Tanks and Healers covered. It’s no different than the new Shaman Raid Buff, Mystic Touch or Chaos Brand.

I’m fine with them removing Ret Aura, they now need to move Aura Mastery and Blessing of Spellwarding to the class tree because now 2 of the 3 specs have spec-specific utility.


There’s probably some things they can do but I wouldn’t expect compensation when having 2 buffs for many people was giving paladins way too much. You still want one paladin like you still want one druid. What does feral druids bring comparable to aura mastery or blessing of spellwarding? The only comparable class would be dks and they don’t bring a class buff but they have amz and deathgrip.

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And that’s fine. I don’t think you’re getting my point. If you’re going to bring only one paladin, why would ever bring Ret over Holy or Prot that isn’t actively trolling your raid group? All three specs should have equal utility, and not have one spec with objectively worse utility than the other two. In this case they just have to move Aura Mastery and Spellwarding to the class tree instead of having them locked in the Holy or Prot trees, respectively.
Just make Devo/Crusader auras baseline, replace their spots in the class tree with Aura Mastery and Spellwarding, problem solved.


Well first for tanks, tank spots are pretty competitive so prot paladin might not always be meta. And I’m pretty sure holy paladin representation also went down.

I get your point, but it’s the same problem for everyone there’s tools locked to roles.
Like someone said earlier, shadow priest don’t get barrier.
Shaman dps don’t get SLT.

And spellwarding/aura mastery are probably too strong to give to dps because you can stack dps more easily, it would become the same problem as stacking amz in castle natria.


No reason for a class to have two buffs but we need to spend 2 talents points in order to go down the tree? Especially one of them being CRUSADER?


Yea that’s fair, might change as they are probably still playing around talent trees.

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This is just ruining my day to be honest, ret aura is an important part of our class/spec fantasy, I understand there are probably too many ppl playing ret and blizz want more ppl to play shaman for example, maybe make shamans more appealing instead of taking things away from what we love, this is just putting a bad taste into our mouths and diminishing my interest for TWW