Ret - 1 Button Macro. Is it good or not?

No idea but you don’t have to click so many buttons anyway just have judge strike spn exo execute on 1-5 and use one on cd

Sunday is still a couple days away.

You don’t parse high with it but yeah it works.

Didnt you make some giant post about parses not mattering?


Ret literally just presses whatever of the 5 damage abilities is off CD. It doesn’t need a 1 button macro lol

Thats what makes it perfect for a 1 button macro.

You don’t parse good without a macro so I’m sure he will be fine.



Yeah because they don’t. You are confused and don’t understand the situation or you are actually this dumb.

Literally yeah, that is why a 1 button macro works pretty well for Ret. It’s a priority based class.

Ive caught a forum vacation for 1/10th that. And you literally said it would make him parse low, after posting a mega thread about parses being toxic. Just saying.

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I thought it was funny too of all people he brought up parses.

Frosstfire the Gray brought up parses after his mega thread where Asmongold said that Frosstfire is “Trash at the game and a loser.”

Is the thread still up and can you link? morbid curiosity

Here you go.

You the real MVP thank you

Also here’s the video from Asmongold in there.

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Yeah I said he wouldn’t parse high if that is what he is wanting to do. I don’t care about parsing and it’s dumb and people who do it are losers.

I think my ENTIRE thread on the subject was pretty clear on this you nerd.

If I played paladin I’d use the one button macro to just chill in raid, if I could get a raid spot as a ret paladin of course.

Prob do the same dps as your grey parsing rogue.

I don’t have a grey parsing rogue. That is just the mad ramblings of a depressed mage.

Also I’d probably do more dps with a 1 button ret than you do with all your buttons.

Why can’t you? Legit never been an issue for me this phase.

Rets do zero dps is why.

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