Resubbed after 2 years and several characters have zero items

Hey everyone,

I just recently resubscribed after a two-year break and logged into my characters on the Illidan server. Unfortunately, I discovered that several characters were missing many items, and some were completely wiped—only their hearthstone remained, which was a bit shocking.

For instance, my Demon Hunter previously had both Warglaives of Azzinoth (though I never got to defeat Illidan during TB Timewalking, so no transmog). Now, all items from the bag and bank are gone.

I submitted a ticket to Blizzard support, and the GM provided some steps to try in-game and recommended using the Item Restoration Tool. Unfortunately, neither solution worked—the restoration tool showed no items available to restore.
After telling GM neither worked, he/she stated nothing they can do. Am I actually screwed form years of grinding some of these legendaries?
Has anyone else experienced something like this, or does anyone have advice on what to do next? Thanks in advance!


I would edit your post and move this over to Customer Support.

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Yes you are. You account was hacked by a gold seller I bet so change PW asap

Sounds like the recent guild bank issue where people (myself included) lost a ton of stuff.


You could have a million screenshots, recordings, people to vouch for you, and it wouldn’t make a difference.
If it’s not on your character or in the item restoration, Blizzard simply wont credit it to you. Even old quest items that you literally have to have obtained at some point because you’ve done the quest, gone.

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Yea well nothing lasts for ever and being inactive for 2 years theres been alot of changes

Good idea. Thank you.


He couldn’t have put soulbound items in the guild bank.


I would check you bank incase your items are there.

By the sounds of it though, sounds like your account might of been compromised during your absence, and someone was able to hack into it, strip all the items, sell everything, and transfer the gold to another account.


Unfortunately, Krixix, Item Restoration depends primarily on if the items are in the deleted inventory. That is how the Item Restoration page works and prior to that, how Game Masters determined if they could restore something.

I’m afraid there isn’t anything in the deleted inventory for your Demon Hunter. You do appear to have the Twinblades of the Deceiver, which cannot normally be deleted.

Now it does appear that the Gear Update option was used back in March of this year, at the Demon Hunter is wearing the set that is provided by that. All of the gear that was in your inventory at that time would have been sent to you through the mail. If you did not clear that out before it expired, it would have been purged.

Which characters appear completely wiped? The only one I can see that comes near that description is the Demon Hunter.


Hi. When I first logged on my warrior Krixix, and warlock warlocholmes, they had no items, but after just logging in now, I see items! Helgate on the other hand still has nothing. Are you able to unpurge the items from the gear update?

Also, thank you so much replying and looking into this quickly! Means a lot.

Don’t believe they would be able to un purge or whatever, once it’s gone from the database it’s gone forever. Unfortunately data is purged after a specific period as holding data from multiple year’s can get into incredibly large file sizes that can and will get unmanageable over time 20 years or more for millions of players characters.

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Nope. If mail isn’t picked up, it eventually expires and then is purged. Once it’s purged it’s gone.


my void storages were not only empty, but as if I had never paid the gold to unlock them

This sounds more like you may be logged into the wrong account.


Helgate is the one I was referring to that used the Gear Update in March, they have the full compliment of Illidari gear currently equipped along with Embersilk bags. They have the Twinblades of the Deceiver equipped but have Illidari Warglaives in the primary bag.

No, I’m afraid not. That is what purged means, it means that all data is removed from the system and is no longer recoverable. Sorry.


I’m surprised they didn’t make the gear update mail available indefinitely. Since I didn’t resubscribe in March, I wouldn’t have been able to access my mail without renewing my subscription.


I’m not certain why it is not but I imagine there are some technical limitations that must be taken into account. Data Storage is a finite resource so having things sticking around forever is nigh impossible to do.

Sorry, Krixix.


Appreciate the help and clarification!